Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Greatest Honor

My Wonderful Jesus.....

When I stop to think what is important and so real...
My mind just cannot see a purpose for each new day
Sometimes I wonder why I'm saddened, and what to feel
But then your sweet heart reaches out in a loving way.

You tell me you adore me with love and happiness...
And how you are working and going the extra mile
I begin to fill with gratitude and feel so blessed
But then you tell me something that really makes me 😃 smile.

.caYou tell me I'm your beloved child close to your heart true...
Your precious son or daughter in which you take delight
I am so thankful to receive this honor from you
And now can walk more clearly with a special new sight.

For I am yours and want to tell hearts on every shore...
The sweetest things come to those who look to Heavens gate
So they can realize how much they mean to you and more
Let me be your dear disciple Lord, don't hesitate!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Perfect Blessings


Blessings flow like pure raindrops from your breathtaking ❤ heart above...
They come in all possible forms and unpredictable size
Each one is uniquely created and made with perfect love
By a Saviour who knows our needs and is holy and so wise.

It may not be visible to us and our hearts right away...
The things of the world may prevent us from what we need to see
But God's mercy comes in to bring pure clarity to each day
And give us the right vision of His love for eternity.

The perfect blessings are pieces of God's sweet heart for us all..
They are seeds of enrichment that we need for every day
Beautiful symbols that show God's breathtaking grace through it all
Please continue to teach me Lord to see and hear you always.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Beauty Of Every Moment

My Jesus.....

The beauty of every moment my Lord is found in you...
You are the light that illustrates the promise for each day
The love that is my strength and power to always see me through
The anointing to give me great guidance all along the way.

The beauty of every moment is found when two hearts are one.....
And you take over and become the Lord of all that I am
I hear you and follow your will my adventure has begun
I can find true success by staying close to your perfect plan.

The beauty of every moment comes straight from your heart of gold....
I'll have all good things as I enjoy its mighty overflow
Lord, you are my everything and I have faith in you untold
I can always see beauty even through clouds this I do know!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Heaven's Window

My Breathtaking Saviour..

My ❤ heart, at times, can be like a 💔 broken ship wandering on the sea...
Searching for new ports of promise, and bright lights of hope to now show
And sometimes there is emptiness and 😕 confusion deep within me
I'm soon overwhelmed with stress and a fear I don't want to know.

But, then your beautiful ❤ heart begins to open wider with love...
Each window in Heaven has a cup of Grace on every sill
Beautiful mercy and joy begin to rain from Heaven above
My heart begins to get a clear picture of you and your will.

You show me that you are in control of everything large and small...
And soon your healing power begins to make something new in me
A breathtaking vessel filled with your spirit to be strong and tall
And your great power soon opens my eyes that I may truly see.

Now my heart is a ship guided by your lighthouse in many ways..
And I have a strong foundation to guide me to my pathways true
Jesus you are my leader and my everything for all my days
I can find the light of promise and hope for who I am in you.

Sunday, October 17, 2021


Wonderful Jesus..

I know without a doubt that I can't do things on my own...
Even though with stubbornness and ignorance I will try
Nothing ever works out as past instances have shown
I always land up wondering and asking myself why.

Then you nudge me and let me know that you are always near...
I kneel down in prayer and give everything Lord to you
But I get impatient waiting on your heart that's so dear
You remind me that in your time you are faithful and true.

You have a plan and purpose and want the best things for me...
Including learning great patience to wait along the way
And you will always be on time with great things now to see
Leading me to a miraculous new and brighter great day.

I am grateful for these revelations that are new...
They show me with clarity how I need you more and more
You are my light of promise in everything I do
I wait so patiently on my knees at your great hearts door.

Monday, October 11, 2021

The Art Session

My Beloved Jesus...

You look down and see me crying so uncontrollably..
It weighs on your perfectly beautiful ❤ heart with power
I look at all things negative that I think about me
The strong 😱 fear begins to tear all things down and devour.

I call myself a failure and worthless through and through...
There's no reason to continue without hope anymore
Suddenly a sense of real urgency comes Lord from you
As you reach out your arms and send sweet peace from Heavens door.

Your love flows through me like honey cleansing all a new..
You begin a wonderful exciting work in me
Suddenly I'm a new person in all I do
I am your breathtaking masterpiece for all to soon see.

I'm worth more than all of the treasures that one can think of..
I'm your beloved child that you hold dear in every way
I am a great success because you are my Lord above
You give me purpose and real promise for every new day!

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Just One Perfect Word


When I am 🚶 walking along my pathway every day...
And my direction may become confusing at its best
I try to figure out which one would be the ideal way
One that would bring me promise and the greatest happiness.

As I'm looking to figure out the condition of the morning sky...
I see rain and doubt if I'm going to see the 🌞 🌅 sun
My spirit becomes 😟 worried and my ❤ heart begins to 😢 cry
Just then, my powerful inner battle had just begun.

You knock on the 🚪 door of my heart with a love that is pure...
And tell me that I need to rest in you and take your ✋ hand
You will be my strength and my foundation to always endure
I just need to walk beside of you and trust your great plan.

Just the mention of one sweet, divine word 'Jesus' and it's done...
Everything will be successful laid down at your feet
A brand new life of hope and victory has now begun
Just one word and a 🌈 rainbow of great triumph I will see!


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Standing Up For Jesus

My Awesome Saviour...

The world around me is getting darker it seems with each day...
People are being hindered from good things and what is so true
They are being lied to and misled in every greatest way
Pushed further and further away from ever knowing of you.

But your light begins to shine with great intensity and love...
No darkness could ever keep its joy from greatly coming through
Those who have a yearning heart will be greatly blessed from above
And have the privilege of feeling your presence and knowing you.

No effort to silence you will ever work in any way...
You're the rainbow that shines beyond any storms capacity
We have to stand up and fight for you in all we do and say
Realizing that this is your land where we live happy and free.

So we give praise to you and exhaultation your name forevermore...
You are our great Saviour, provider, and our everything
Together we send all praise and Thanksgiving to Heavens door
Let the bells of deep true freedom always and forever ring!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Faith Walk

My Jesus...

Sometimes I try to figure things out in my own mixed up way...
Things become difficult when I can't see what I'm searching for
Fear and anxiety cripple me and sadden every day
I can't see the beauty and happiness I need and much more.

You see all of the burdens that are taking hold upon me..
And it brings you such dismay to see what I am going through
You reach down and wrap me in your arms of love so perfectly
Reminding me that you are in control in all that I do.

I have a seed of promise that you have planted deep in me...
I need to learn how to stand on its firm foundation so true
To hold strong in my faith and believe in miracles to see
For every good and perfect thing to have comes Lord right from you.

I lay my burdens at your feet and trust in your great power...
Lord you'll take care of it all and provide for me each day through
You are my source and my greatest answer in the final hour
Lord I surely know that nothing is impossible with you!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...