Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Heaven's Window

My Breathtaking Saviour..

My ❤ heart, at times, can be like a 💔 broken ship wandering on the sea...
Searching for new ports of promise, and bright lights of hope to now show
And sometimes there is emptiness and 😕 confusion deep within me
I'm soon overwhelmed with stress and a fear I don't want to know.

But, then your beautiful ❤ heart begins to open wider with love...
Each window in Heaven has a cup of Grace on every sill
Beautiful mercy and joy begin to rain from Heaven above
My heart begins to get a clear picture of you and your will.

You show me that you are in control of everything large and small...
And soon your healing power begins to make something new in me
A breathtaking vessel filled with your spirit to be strong and tall
And your great power soon opens my eyes that I may truly see.

Now my heart is a ship guided by your lighthouse in many ways..
And I have a strong foundation to guide me to my pathways true
Jesus you are my leader and my everything for all my days
I can find the light of promise and hope for who I am in you.

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