Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Greatest Honor

My Wonderful Jesus.....

When I stop to think what is important and so real...
My mind just cannot see a purpose for each new day
Sometimes I wonder why I'm saddened, and what to feel
But then your sweet heart reaches out in a loving way.

You tell me you adore me with love and happiness...
And how you are working and going the extra mile
I begin to fill with gratitude and feel so blessed
But then you tell me something that really makes me 😃 smile.

.caYou tell me I'm your beloved child close to your heart true...
Your precious son or daughter in which you take delight
I am so thankful to receive this honor from you
And now can walk more clearly with a special new sight.

For I am yours and want to tell hearts on every shore...
The sweetest things come to those who look to Heavens gate
So they can realize how much they mean to you and more
Let me be your dear disciple Lord, don't hesitate!

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