Sunday, October 10, 2021

Just One Perfect Word


When I am 🚶 walking along my pathway every day...
And my direction may become confusing at its best
I try to figure out which one would be the ideal way
One that would bring me promise and the greatest happiness.

As I'm looking to figure out the condition of the morning sky...
I see rain and doubt if I'm going to see the 🌞 🌅 sun
My spirit becomes 😟 worried and my ❤ heart begins to 😢 cry
Just then, my powerful inner battle had just begun.

You knock on the 🚪 door of my heart with a love that is pure...
And tell me that I need to rest in you and take your ✋ hand
You will be my strength and my foundation to always endure
I just need to walk beside of you and trust your great plan.

Just the mention of one sweet, divine word 'Jesus' and it's done...
Everything will be successful laid down at your feet
A brand new life of hope and victory has now begun
Just one word and a 🌈 rainbow of great triumph I will see!


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