Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A Prayer Of Hope

Dear Jesus

Take this 💔 broken vessel into your Craftmans hands..
And see an extraordinary dream soon come true
Create within me a masterpiece by your plans
And let me be your instrument my whole life through.

Instill in me strength that can conquer every day..
Give me tenacity to make it till the end
Knowing that I can lean on you in every way
You are not only my Lord but my greatest friend.

We can do everything together all in all..
I pledge my ❤ heart, my love and all that I may be
I can count on you being there when I may call
I'm part of Team Jesus for all eternity!

Friday, May 27, 2022

Walking On Peaceful Waters

My Precious Jesus..

When I look all around and the waters seem to be raging strong...
There's nothing that brings me much hope as far as the eyes can see
I don't have any true direction to make sense of life's song
My heart begins to wonder what is actually wrong with me.

But you reach out with kindness and gather me close to your core...
You take my hand and ask that I always trust more in you
I watch as many blessings come on a rainbow through your door
Taking all my fear and giving faith in all that I do.

Suddenly things begin to change quickly and for the true best..
I learned to look to you for everything I need to see
For when I trust in you I'll find the greatest real happiness
Always in your eternal presence is where I long to be!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

One 🚶 Step

My Jesus...

I begin to take one step, and suddenly I start to fall...
Trying to navigate on my own and looking around me
So overwhelmed by everything my heart begins to call
A powerful glimmer of light up ahead is all I see.

When I try to take the step, I quickly tumble to the ground..
But then a saving arm of grace reaches out and stops my pain
I am picked up and raised to my feet where inspiration abounds
I have a feeling of relief and can concentrate again.

Like a beautiful rainbow, he appeared with a big smile...
He took my hand in his and told me all is ok
Through his mercy and compassion I have hope for all while
He will walk beside me and take care of me every day.

So one step with Jesus is the best choice I'll be making..
It's a journey worth living because of him and so much more
Following his will and presence with joy throughout everything
Jesus it's exciting to see what our journey has in store!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The pain that I am feeling is getting unbelievable and real...
Sometimes I don't know how to interpret or what to make of everything
No one cares how deep my pain goes or what I now feel
My heart is saddened with turmoil instead of looking for hope life brings.

But then your beautiful gentleness comes in and touches my core..
You reveal to me that I do not walk alone at any time
By your grace and love you take my hand and walk with me on life's shore
Telling me that you will help me and will be my hope in kind.

So now I can feel your sweet peace and comfort at its very best..
I feel more assured and challenged with each new and exciting way
I know that I am being filled with all things good like happiness
My Lord with you by my side I can't wait to see the newest days.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Thoughts Of Wisdom

When you are starting your day and you take one step...
And suddenly, you feel so alone and empty..burdened with heavy fears and worry

You feel so defeated like you can't go on..
You search for answers and hope in so many areas..and find nothing
But a glimmer flickers within the deepest portal of your spirit

You remember good things and perfect peace and love
And cry out to come back to a merciful Father.

Suddenly two hearts begin to bond again.  A relationship begins to grow.

Something wonderful is slowly being created.

A masterpiece from the Father's ❤.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Faith 🔑Key

Dear Jesus.....

Sometimes it's hard for me to understand what the important parts of life entail..
I think that I can do it all on my own and without a doubt come up empty
Every solution that I pursue in my humanity seems to always fail
Fear, burden and unbelievable stress quickly begin to overcome me.

Compassion and mercy fill your heart so true as you reach out with such peace on hand...
You cleanse me with the fountain of your perfect love of everything that's unlike you
Lifting all of my worries and taking control of them all by your great command
Pledging to always be by my side and help me with all I need, in all I do.

You give me a greater lesson in faith to rest in you through every hour each day...
And always keep my concentration on your throne above and not all around
For every aspect of who you are is the bright light that will always guide my way
Resting upon my faith and trusting in you is where my answers will be found!

Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Trail Of New Beginnings

   Jennifer sat quietly in her room worried about so many things that were burdening her.  She just didn't have any answers or could see any in sight.

   Her husband of eight years left her for another woman.  He drained their bank account.  She had no one.  Her parents were gone.

   A dear elderly neighbor offered to watch her kids while she looked for a second job.  A new beautiful gift shop had just opened in town.

   Jennifer went their and explained her situation asking if they needed any help.  Carol, the woman who owns the shop 😃 smiled brightly and hired her full time.

   There was something warm and loving about Carol that made Jennifer feel like she was family.  She also offered her a two bedroom apartment in her home.

   Carol offered her the first six months rent free till she got on her feet.  Jennifer felt overwhelmed by the love she was being shown.  She gave Carol a big hug to thank her and accepted.

   Over the next several months Jennifer worked very hard.  She wanted to do all she could to thank her for her kindness.

  Jennifer even agreed to start going to church with Carol.  She hadn't attended since she was a small child.  She rededicated her life and the lives of her children to God.

When Carol's son Brandon came home from military service she thought she would have to leave.  

Instead the two had an instant bond.  He adored her kids.  They began dating.  After about a year, the wedding date was set.

   Brandon and Jennifer got married.  They built their own beautiful home.  A year later they welcomed their first child.

   Jennifer marvels at just how blessed she is.  The Lord has always been with her even though she drifted a bit.  All praise to Him!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...