Sunday, May 22, 2022

The pain that I am feeling is getting unbelievable and real...
Sometimes I don't know how to interpret or what to make of everything
No one cares how deep my pain goes or what I now feel
My heart is saddened with turmoil instead of looking for hope life brings.

But then your beautiful gentleness comes in and touches my core..
You reveal to me that I do not walk alone at any time
By your grace and love you take my hand and walk with me on life's shore
Telling me that you will help me and will be my hope in kind.

So now I can feel your sweet peace and comfort at its very best..
I feel more assured and challenged with each new and exciting way
I know that I am being filled with all things good like happiness
My Lord with you by my side I can't wait to see the newest days.

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