Thursday, May 23, 2024

Lord, I Place My Heart ♥ In Your Hands


The greatest thing that I must do is learn to completely trust you...
Walking each moment in the beauty of your presence above 
Knowing that you will take care of everything for you are so true 
And you make all things possible through your precious, sweet and mighty love. 

The greatest thing that I must do is place my heart into your hands...
And listen every moment so carefully for your words to me 
The mightiest things are made so by the power of your commands
Because of your anointing I'm the person you want me to be. 

So, when I place my heart into your hands there's a mighty light inside...
Many can see the breathtaking transition that is taking place 
Lord, I want you as King of my life  and in your word I'll abide
Let the transformation begin now with a warm, caring embrace. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

You Are My Comfort

My Jesus...

You are my rugged comfort that fills me with perfect peace so true...
The inspiration that shows me to look forward to greater days
When I need anything my heart yearns for and always looks to you 
You are my guiding force, the ideal truth and the only real way. 

You're my beautiful comfort that
 shows me everything will be fine...
My understanding listener who always has great time for me 
A best friend who never lets go even when the world's not so kind 
A wondrous star of Heaven that warms the heart with joy perfectly. 

You are my ideal comfort that gives me so much I can reach for...
My ambition and my greatest hope to never face fear at all
When I live for you I can reach for Heaven's sky and much more
Jesus,  thanks for being my comfort and always there when I call!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

My Jesus Plant The Seed

My Jesus.....

Please plant the seeds of your anointing within me every new day.. 
Let the beauty of your sweet spirit infiltrate all that I am 
I want to see the movement of your power in every new way 
Let me be an important part of every one of your dynamic plans. 

Fill me with your love and grace to overflowing and so much more...
I want to see the great part of your heart flow like a fountain true
Every part of me desires a touch from you and more in store 
Jesus let the fire of your presence come now with wonder too.

Jesus I want to see your nurturing hand reaching down now for me...
Nurturing and cultivating the seeds with tender loving care
Lord I know that such great things are being birthed now so perfectly 
My heart is excited to see success whenever you are there!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

My Lord, You're Always With Me

My Jesus.....

You are a beautiful ☔ rainfall that brings refreshment to dry land...
A breathtaking horizon that offers guiding light every day 
I see the 🌈 rainbow of your promise and unfolding of your hands 
And wait with yearning and eagerness for everything you will say. 

When I can't see the directness of my pathway and feel alone with great fear..
Your pure love and grace begin to surround me and work harder still 
That's when all that you are quickly begins to draw ever near
And my heart starts to see the perfect wonder of your mighty will.

For you are forever with me and want the very best at all times...
I never at any time have to wonder about it or doubt 
You are my Savior, best friend, and perfect source of all divine
Lord, I give all praise and honor to you and my heart wants to shout!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Lord, I Need You

My Beloved Savior...

When I feel like giving up and can't take another step to greet a brand new day...
My heart ♥ is filled with sadness that I have failed you and have no true worth any more 
I reach out for your hand with my head
 bowed low not knowing what to say 
You just ☺ smile with love in your eyes and incredible seeds of hope in store. 

You pick me up in to your loving embrace and tell me how much I mean to you...
I then see a beautiful pathway of blessing that you have in store just for me 
Mercy is then given as I see your heart so big and true 
My Jesus,  I need your anointing in every new moment so perfectly. 

Sweet Savior,  I need you and the beauty of your pure love and grace all around me...
You are my breathtaking source of life from where all of my inspiration now flows 
The happiness,  joy and peace that I desperately desire will always come from thee
Jesus, I need you more and more come let your greatest sweet glory now be bestowed!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...