Tuesday, May 14, 2024

You Are My Comfort

My Jesus...

You are my rugged comfort that fills me with perfect peace so true...
The inspiration that shows me to look forward to greater days
When I need anything my heart yearns for and always looks to you 
You are my guiding force, the ideal truth and the only real way. 

You're my beautiful comfort that
 shows me everything will be fine...
My understanding listener who always has great time for me 
A best friend who never lets go even when the world's not so kind 
A wondrous star of Heaven that warms the heart with joy perfectly. 

You are my ideal comfort that gives me so much I can reach for...
My ambition and my greatest hope to never face fear at all
When I live for you I can reach for Heaven's sky and much more
Jesus,  thanks for being my comfort and always there when I call!

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