Thursday, December 17, 2015

An Invitation Of Thankfulness

     At this busy time of the year, in addition to the truly hectic schedules we normally keep, it can be hard to find that quality time.  This is personal time.  It is time when we just take a moment to reflect, take a deep breathe, and truly smile, thinking how blessed we really are.

     Sometimes, it may not seem that way.  But, let's try the experiment.  Take just ten minutes out of your schedule.  We all can afford that.  Think of all the tremendous blessings that enrich your life.  Think of all of the people that make your world just a little bit brighter.

     Also, I would like you to recall the best Christmas that you have ever had and what made it so special.  Please leave your comments below ..... it could be about your favorite Christmas, your blessings, even a prayer of thanks to God for his goodness.

     Let's see how many wonderful responses we can collect.  I can never thank God enough for all that he has done for me.  I count every single blessing right down to the sunrise each morning, and the cool, clean cup of water that I can drink.  It is a blessing to be called his child!

     Where would we be on the journey without him?  So, this Christmas let it be one filled with a heart of thankfulness.

Lord, thank you for each blessing
you give so much to me
and all of the love that your heart brings
It is a joy that fills me so perfectly!

So, leave your comment below.  

God bless you all!


  1. Last year, just days before Christmas, we nearly lost our baby girl to illness. It was a terrifyingly close call. She was released from the hospital on Christmas Eve, and Christmas will never be the same for me. I will always remember, and be more grateful.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing! You are in my prayers. The Lord bless you, surround you with his love, give you his strength and enrich you with his peace.


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