Monday, December 7, 2015

The Wonder Of Christmas

     The stores are already stocking shelves and decorating even before thanksgiving arrives.  People are looking for those magical 'super sale' retail circulars where they can save mega dollars on something they really don't need.  As the sale approaches, they fight, argue and knock others down to get what they want.  What happened to real tradition and meaning in these passed years?

     Thanksgiving is not a time for mega shopping and eating till you burst.  It is a holiday for spending time with family and friends, counting your blessings, and being truly grateful for all that God provides for you and continues to do so.

     Christmas has become even more commercialized than thanksgiving.  Christmas is a time to celebrate the greatest gift of all the birth of our Savior.  It is a time to spend with family and friends and give thanks for all the blessings that enrich your life.

     So, at this point, only one word will do.....STOP!!!!!  Let's turn things around and realize the true meaning of Christmas and thanksgiving.  If you don't go to the mega sales, maybe the retailers will spend time with their families.  

     Do you want to give a perfect gift?  Give from the heart.  Try hand making your presents and placing a special note in each one about how much that person truly means to you and God.

     If you are not creative in that way, you could try pledging your time to each person.  Write a little handwritten note (a rare commodity these days) letting them know that you will always be there for them.

     Give someone a bible and the message of God's great love.  Try to help someone if you can in some way.  There are so many things that you can give that would be worth far more than anything that you buy in the store.  It wouldn't even cost you anything.

     So, please try that with at least one person on your list this year.  Maybe even try it with a stranger who is in need.  You will be greatly surprised because it is a gift that keeps on giving for both you and them.

     Let's all work hard and together to put the 'Christ' back in Christmas.  Remember it is not 'Happy Holidays'  but, 'Merry Christmas'.  Don't be afraid to stand up for what is right.  Let us work together to re-establish wonderful Christ-centered tradition!
God bless you all!

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