Saturday, December 12, 2015


Have you ever had one of those days where when you get home you just want to put your face to a pillow and scream into it?  Well, it's better than letting the neighbors think that you've lost your peace so to speak.

But, surely each one of us can probably say we have had one or more of those type of days.  Let's face it walking the journey can be trying and aggravating at times.  But, how do we deal with the ups and the downs in a civilized and constructive manner?

Well, we cannot in our own manner.  Consider the concept of going fishing.  A fisherman casts his pole upon the water, right?  He then contemplates the good exchange for his bait he will get a prize catch.

Now, think of the fishing pole on your own journey.  You take your concerns and cast them upon God's heavenly waters of peace.  It will then return with the comfort and strength you will need, and the blessings to enrich your soul.

So, when those days come up in your travels where you want to escape and hide...don't despair.  Call out the name of the Lord and for his glory and power.  He will see you through.  This may sound easier than it is.  But, just think of the wonderful and bountiful catch...the beautiful skies ahead that are waiting for you!
God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Stress really does steal your joy and I am experiencing that very thing right now preparing for the holidays. I needed this reminder and I receive it as the blessing it's meant to be :-)


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