Saturday, December 5, 2015

Perfect Hope

     Take a moment to consider the following scenario.  You step outside for a moment.  As you do, you realize the absolute frigid temperatures and that it has been snowing.  The door closes behind you.  You can't get back in because you don't have your key.  No one else is around.  But, the horror is you don't have a coat or sweater.

     What do you think would run through your mind at that moment?  Your first thought would probably be that your freezing.  But, you might feel scared and very frightened and alone.  You might be overcome with worry that you are going to freeze to death and perish.

     Consider this same type of scenario in a cold, unsaved and impersonal world without God.  He is everything that you will ever need.  But, sometimes in our own humanity, we think that we can stand alone.  This is not possible victoriously.

     He is the compliment that makes our lives complete and whole.  So, why wouldn't we want to be strong and well prepared for our journey?  Don't try to take things into your own hands or try to figure things out.  

     Continue to draw closer to him.  Let every step be paved by his love first.  Don't let yourself ever be unprepared.  Be a valiant traveler who is always strong and ready today.

     Be a lifetime member on the Lord's team.  
God bless you!


1 comment:

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...