Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Beautiful Spirit *****
A spirit that sees the energy & true beauty of life so genuinely
As its song fills it with great happiness completely and totally from within
The brilliance of pure love's light of hope is a light house that guides it so perfectly
Kindness and a gentle nature are a compass from where all footsteps begin.

Faith is the rugged strength and foundation that keeps everything so stable & clear
Prayer is the eternal lifeline and fountain that flows with hope, peace, & happiness
A caring spirit that can see the best in everything with a heart that is dear
and realizes with gratefulness and gratitude just how much it is truly blessed.

The beautiful spirit is a precious & delicate gift from God's heart so true
It's a creative masterpiece that is wonderful & breathtaking to behold
It is a ray of refreshment that enriches lives & makes each day so brand new
By giving so much of itself & singing its song of motivation so bold.

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