Monday, January 29, 2018

Inner Song
     Lea gazed at the television set in front of her and frowned.  She just couldn't believe what was going on in the world around her.  There isn't a moment that you can turn on a news program any more without receiving such negative news.

     People were saying hurtful things about their own leaders and hurting each other.  Lea knew that she didn't have the experience of living a long life.  She was a returning college student, excited about the upcoming year.

     All of a sudden, she gazed at the clock and realized the lateness of the hour. She quickly grabbed her books and dashed out the door.  But, when she arrived on campus, there was more traffic than usual.

     There was a protest going on.  Lea tried desperately to get around the onlookers and get to her class.  She was ten minutes late.  Her professor had the class engaged in a discussion about the state of politics.

     "What we need is some new leadership."  One man shouted.  Lea became outraged.  She raised her hand and stood to her feet.  "What we need is love, brotherhood, and more of Jesus in our homes and hearts."  She proclaimed.

     She could hear several students booing her.  One called her a religious nut.  Several called for her to leave.  Lea was heartbroken.  Tears began to stream from her eyes.  She quickly left and drove home.

     When her family went to church that evening, she stopped by the Pastor's office to speak with him.  She told him what had happened.  "Well, Lea,"  He said clearing his voice.  "Remember all that Jesus endured, and for our benefit.  You have to make a choice and stand up for your beliefs!"

    Pastor took Lea's hands and prayed with her.  Lea went home that night, got down on her knees, and asked God for help.  She rededicated her life to him.  She felt such a strong sense of peace in her heart.  She knew that the Lord would be there always.

     The next day, she went back to class with more faith and strength.  She asked to stand up and address the class.  "What some of you did to me yesterday was wrong."  She said.  "But, I forgive you.  I have the right to my own beliefs as all of you do.  That doesn't make me a nut."

     Lea invited the students to join her upcoming prayer and discussion group.  She also stopped by the Dean's office to inquire about getting her own student news program on the college tv station and her own newsletter. 

     She was overwhelmed with joy when the Dean thought it sounded like a great idea.  She thanked God for helping her and never leaving her.  She promised to be a faithful instrument of his.

God bless you all!

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