Saturday, January 6, 2018


     I had to attend the funeral of a friend recently, who passed away just after Christmas.  This caused me to start reflecting on a few things as we enter a new year.  Life is a very fragile, and precious gift.  It is like a grain of sand.  You hold it in the palm of your hand.  Before you know it, it can disappear.

  My first question is why do we worry and become so stressed?  Consider this scenario for a moment.  When you look at a major corporation, who has the most pressure and responsibilities?  It is the President and CEO of course.  But, we are not the so called President of life.  The Lord is the CEO of life and everything.

  So why don't we just hand it all to Him and trust Him?  He will be the pilot of our journey and give us the peace and joy we need to maneuver through every day life.  

  My second question is why aren't we more happy?  Now there is a question that many find quite hard to answer.  But here is the most important point to consider.  Your joy should not be defined by the factors of life.  Your joy should be ever present because it comes from the Lord and is strengthened by Him.

  My third question is why are we so fearful about so many things?  If the weather man already knows the exact forecast, then why not trust Him?  Okay there are some weathermen who are not too reliable.  But when you have one who can never fail how can you go wrong? 

  The Lord doesn't want us to be afraid.  He wants us to rely on Him and lean on Him.  My friend did just that.  She had been critically ill for a while.  Yet she was always upbeat, positive and thinking about others.  She was always praising God.

  So, as we enter this new year, let's take a bold and courageous step upon our pathways with a joyful and positive heart.  The Lord loves us and has us in the palm of His hands.  He has great aspirations for each one of us.

  Be happy!  Carry joy in your heart!  Anticipate great things!  You are a beautiful child of the most high God.  He loves you dearly!  
God bless you all!
All aboard!  We are preparing to embark on our next journey!  Stay tuned!  

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