Wednesday, July 31, 2019


I look deep into my heart and see
The beauty of your love working there
A breathtaking light moving wondrously
To create something special with care.

You plant seeds of promise with delight
and heal with just one touch of your hand
Preparing to restore with your might
and make all ready for your great plan.

Suddenly, you smile so brightly
You see something precious and so true
A beautiful seed growing perfectly
It is a desire to know you.

The light soon becomes even brighter still
Everything that you are begins to flow
All is now there according to your will
A humbled heart now begins to grow.

You are pleased with what you see in a great way
A heart begins to grow and blossom more
Lord, I give praise unto you every day
For taking time to knock at my heart's door.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Lord. Please bless this day so mightily.  Fill it with everything wonderful and true. For the only things worth having in this world come from you. Help me to be the best that I can be..a light of hope with happiness knowing that you are in charge and will take care of the rest. Amen

Friday, July 26, 2019

Dear Lord,
You see the pain that tears away at my heart's happiness,
It feels like my strength is gone and there won't be any more
I've give up and don't see any promise at its best
My dreams feel like they're disappearing and won't be restored.
A light begins to shine even though I can't see it there
A warmth starts to surround me as I feel that I'm alone
My Father's hands reach down and cradle me with such great care
Something wonderful happens as love's greatest gifts are shown.
Suddenly, a peace begins to move within my heart's core
A feeling of assurance starts to weave the pain away
A beautiful flow of healing makes me whole and much more
I can see a glimmer of hope and promise each new day.
You show me how special I am to you and always will be
When I hurt you feel my pain even greater than I do
My arms reach out for your embrace to take good care of me
I never have to face it alone, just give it all to you.

Hope is a beautiful light of inspiration and blessing.....
A fountain of happiness that flows so surprisingly
and reveals all of the wonderful things that it can bring
As a special gift of love from God's heart so abundantly.

It is found within the depths of true love and true friendships greatest touch
A brilliant smile shared, a hearty laugh or a caring deed
A strong, true family bond that never fails, but, gives so much
A kind word planted within the heart like a small, blooming seed.

A catalyst of renewal that sets all things ablaze
Showing a path of new beginning for the heart to explore
A powerful hunger for life from which you will be amazed
Aspirations and dreams that are real that you've been searching for.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I look out of my window at the breathtaking beauty of a new day......
My heart begins to fill with a genuine feeling of pure happiness
For I realize how blessed I really am in so many wonderful ways
A feeling of wholesome gratitude enlightens my spirit to its best.
I look at all of the great things that God has provided, both large and small
And he has taught my heart the things that really matter the most in the end
Living a true life based on kindness and his amazing love through it all
Knowing he'll always be there: my light, my Father, my friend.
Sometimes my perception may become clouded by life's ever changing state
I cannot see through the window of my heart the true beauty any more
That's when my Father comes in with tender care and concern to motivate
and reveal his perfect love and presence so strongly on my journey's shore.
He shows me how important I am and the purpose I have to fulfill
But, I must promise with my heart that I'll never give up or give in
Living a meaningful life with a hopeful heart is my Father's great will
At that point is where faith, true thankfulness, and gratitude surely begin.
Heartfelt Angels

     The other day, I sat for a moment and looked at some items on a shelf in my home.  Some of these items are beautiful hand-crafted gifts that were given to me when I was younger.  They were made by a cherished, long time family friend and former Sunday school teacher.

   This amazing woman of God had an incredible talent and used it to bless the lives of others.  She is gone now.  But her legacy will illuminate the light of God's breathtaking love for years to come.  These quiet moments of reflection made me realize to an even greater point the tremendous capacity of God's grace and the beauty of life.

  He gives us all unique talents and gifts that make us special individuals.  We are one of a kind masterpieces fashioned by His great hands.  But, how do we know what those gifts are?  The answer can only come through the power of prayer.  We need to draw closer to the Lord, have a relationship with Him, and seek His will and wisdom for us.

  However, we must not only discover what those gifts may be, but, how we can use them to glorify Him and bless others.  I have been praying that the Lord would show me those gifts and talents.  

  Do you want to seek out true success as it comes from God?  Do you want to discover your gifts and talents that can only come from Him?

  Have you desired to know the Lord as your life's Savior and seek His great presence?  Please take a moment to pray this prayer.  Father, I desire to know You as the Lord of my life.  I give You my heart and all that I am.  Show me Your divine will and wisdom for me.

  Thank God for those angelic like souls that He brings into our lives.  They bless us and show us a small revelation of His love in action.  I am so grateful for them, and for a dear lady who took the time to let her creative love brighten my heart and shine the light of God's power and presence forever.

Friday, July 12, 2019


 The greatest thing that I can do is envision you smiling at me,
Knowing that I brought happiness and delight to Your beautiful heart 
Walking in Your breathtaking presence and worshiping You so perfectly
This is the definition of success to me from which I will not depart.

I want to feel Your mighty power flowing to every part of who I am,
and wrap Your wondrous love around me through each and every hour of the day
Father, I want to see the awesome, never ending work of Your great hands
As you come in to my heart and life and create a masterpiece in Your great way.

Let Your Spirit be a refreshing touch like water from Heaven above,
Come instill within me all things perfect that reflect my Father that I adore
You are the brilliant light that guides my footsteps with Your anointing and Your love
Father, my heart reaches out for You and yearns with humble adoration for more.

Thought For The Day

When fear starts to


into your heart


worry begins to

bound you with stress

reach out


take in the Sonshine

The light of His love


the darkness of fear


the beauty of His grace



all the ties that bind


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Precious Lord...

You see something special within me,
A small seed just beginning to grow
Beyond the pain, it's extraordinary
The breathtaking beauty only you know.

A brilliant light grows stronger and true,
It's the light of your presence within
Working with love so diligently
Suddenly, something special begins.

Your hands of grace open wide and grand,
That seed begins to blossom even more
Something develops just like your plan
All things spectacular are restored.

The pain is gone as your love is here,
There's a rebuilding process in place
Things are made perfect as you draw near
and made stronger within your embrace.

A great masterpiece made firm with time,
All ties that bind are broken away
It started with a seed and prayer in kind
Through you there's a new and brighter day.


Friday, July 5, 2019


Most gracious Lord..

Thank you for being the light of hope that illuminates my heart so brilliantly,
I am so grateful you are my peace and happiness that helps me to take each step
When I feel like giving up your powerful, sweet hand just comes along to cradle me
You are my Father, my Savior, my all and the greatest best friend I've ever met.

Each and every day I come before your throne and seek your presence with greatest care,
I humbly bring all that I am to you and lay it at your feet so patiently
For I know without any doubt even though I can't see you, you are always there
Working everything out on my behalf, and taking care of me so perfectly.

I don't even have to call, you already hear my heart's cry with honor and grace,
You are ready to help with all that I need, even though I don't deserve it
I reach out with all that I am, and you reach down to comfort me with your embrace
and begin to restore and rebuild everything so that it is a perfect fit.

So the question is right now, how do I offer my thanks unto you for it all?
I could never give enough for everything that you have given to me
But it's available to me without boundaries and all I have to do is call
I give praise and thanks unto you for the honor and blessings for eternity!


Wednesday, July 3, 2019


The breathtaking presence of your love is always there,
It comes like a beautiful light filling all of me
The wonder of your grace is bestowed with great care
 It is always limitless and flows abundantly.
The power of your anointing comes with humbleness
Like a flowing fountain refreshing my heart a new
The strength of your hands give hope and promise at its best
It is true provision and purpose in all I do.
The picture of who you are is perfection at its core
It is all the heart strives for or dreams to be
Just one glimpse of you instills a desire for more
to live for you and follow you for all eternity.
How can I say thank you for your love and everything?
I am so honored to be yours Lord everyday
Continue to fill me with all that your heart may bring
You are the lighthouse that forever opens the way.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...