Friday, July 5, 2019


Most gracious Lord..

Thank you for being the light of hope that illuminates my heart so brilliantly,
I am so grateful you are my peace and happiness that helps me to take each step
When I feel like giving up your powerful, sweet hand just comes along to cradle me
You are my Father, my Savior, my all and the greatest best friend I've ever met.

Each and every day I come before your throne and seek your presence with greatest care,
I humbly bring all that I am to you and lay it at your feet so patiently
For I know without any doubt even though I can't see you, you are always there
Working everything out on my behalf, and taking care of me so perfectly.

I don't even have to call, you already hear my heart's cry with honor and grace,
You are ready to help with all that I need, even though I don't deserve it
I reach out with all that I am, and you reach down to comfort me with your embrace
and begin to restore and rebuild everything so that it is a perfect fit.

So the question is right now, how do I offer my thanks unto you for it all?
I could never give enough for everything that you have given to me
But it's available to me without boundaries and all I have to do is call
I give praise and thanks unto you for the honor and blessings for eternity!


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The Rainbow 🌈 Of Grace

It is a beautiful symbol of promise bestowed from Your heart ❤️ above... An outflow of Your anointing and power for all of the world to see ...