Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving Love

Precious Lord,

My ❤ heart is thankful for the simple things like the 🌅 sunrise I see each day,
The beautiful warmth of a kind jesture that gives my world such delight
Having what I need to make it through builds my strong faith in every way
Feeling your presence is always with me gives me endurance with great might.

I am grateful for all of the blessings and tools that you have given to me,
Such wonderful things to help me to grow and succeed with such happiness
I am so thankful that you want me to succeed and have victory
Thank you for all that you give from your ❤ heart which produces only the best.

I am very thankful that even though I may not truly understand,
You are always interceding and working so very hard by my side
It will all be successful as you work heartily with your mighty hands
I will always walk in the light of your love and in your will I'll abide.

Thank you precious Father.


Monday, November 25, 2019

Lord, you are the breathe that fills my lungs each day,
You are the beautiful light that my eyes see
When I feel that your presence is so far away
that is when your power is the closest to me.

You are the radiant hope that lifts my spirit high,
the calm and joy that helps my heart to persevere
At those moments when my soul is sad and sighs
Your loving Father's arms open and draw near.

Even though I may not see everything now,
Your presence is moving and working perfectly
You will make it all work out with love somehow
and reach out and hand me the keys of victory.

Saturday, November 16, 2019



Where is the answer that I truly need right now?
I have been praying and asking you for so long.
You always come through and present success somehow
I need to hear your voice and your greatest heart's song.

I'm not questioning you in any possible way
My heart seems to be losing its great hope so true
That's why I have to draw closer to you each day
and realize that your love has always seen me through.

I don't know just when my great miracle will come
It might be at the last moment for me to see
But I'll know the true fact when it's all said and done
I should rest in my Father's promise so perfectly.


My Hurting Heart

Can you see my hurting heart so true?
I place it into your hands above
And ask for a miracle from you
That you would restore it with your love.

You would do everything for me
And want to take my cares away
Give me comfort so perfectly
Help me see the light of a new day.

So I run to your arms right now
And embrace you as a child can
Lord you'll work it all out somehow
You have a great and mighty plan.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

I come before you with a very thankful heart today.....
Humbled and honored for all the wonderful things I see,
Asking that you would help me in your own sweet, perfect way
to develop the greatest Thanksgiving Day recipe.
Starting with a pound of love, and a cup of happiness.....
add a dash of laughter and peace, and mix it thoroughly,
Stir in the presence of family and friends at its best
and if you add some chocolate pie, that's alright with me.
Next, blend in memories to brighten each moment gone by.....
Add in some warm thoughts and kind words to fill the room so true,
Sprinkle it with motivation that keeps the spirit high
Realizing that genuine thanksgiving means blessing too.
Bestow good food and the hands to prepare it all with care.....
and fill each body with grace as they take every bite,
Please make each heart observant and always strongly aware
of others to remember and pray for on this great night.
Thanksgiving is not a day, it's a way of life each year.....
Thank you for all your goodness and the perfect recipe,
to share your life with others that you know, love, and hold dear
and to be a great light that always shines so brilliantly.
AMEN. ***********

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Greatest Delight

The greatest delight that enlightens my heart so true
Gives me a hope and a feeling of accomplishment
I want to see a smile and happiness in you
For bringing you delight is my time well spent.

Your smile is a light of hope that brightens all my days
Knowing that my walk makes your joy brighter still
It makes me feel accomplished in so many great ways
I please you as your child and am following your will.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Dear Lord,
Please protect my dear friends today
watch over them in all they do
Be their foundation of hope in every way
and their best friend to call upon so true
Give them a peace that is always there
and a strength that grows more as they go
Show them with your love how much you care
and all of your compassion let them know.
Let them feel your presence so strong and bright
and your grace with such unending happiness
Help them to feel pleasing in your sight
and to know that they are wonderfully blessed.
Dear Lord, bless my dear friends today
give them all they need right from the start
be their protection in every way
keep them so close to your heart.
A woman of faith stands strong, and courageous & perseveres no matter how rugged the pathway....
Her faith is her anchor, the word of God is her compass and comfort and his presence is her shield as she walks her journey............
She is devoted to and is the precious creation of her Father's heart...the beautiful rose of his love......
A woman of faith is self-assured, wise and blessed, knowing of and grateful for all things from her Father.......
She is creative and hard-working, ready to use the gifts her Father has given her to bless others........
She is a trailblazer and a light of happiness........
She strives to do her best at everything for the glory of her Father.....
A woman of Faith is a Woman After God's Own Heart............

Friday, November 8, 2019

************A GRATEFUL HEART'S PRAYER ***************


My heart beholds the breathtaking beauty of another day.....
Looking upon everything with a special happiness
It fills me with a humbleness, more than words can say
As I realize just how, by your grace, that I am truly blessed.

I see the points of love that come streaming from your heart so true.....
Like the hope of family and friends who are always there
Provisions along my journey and strong faith to see me through
and the delight of sharing my deepest heart with you in prayer.

Creative beauty from your hands that makes every moment shine.....
Good health and sharing special time with others in a great way
Know I can have a wonderful dream and call it mine
You give me the motivation and inspiration for each day.

I am so grateful for the blessings that you have given me.....
and for teaching me to see them through my heart, both large and small
At this season and always, I want to say it happily
I am honored and thankful for the true blessing of it all.

*****************************************************************By Me.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Lord I need your strength right now,
I feel weak in all I do
I know you'll help me somehow
You'll give me peace and joy too.

I feel like my heart is failing
And no one around me cares
Yet no matter what's happening
Your love is always right there.

Everything's placed in your hands
Suddenly a light appears
It's alright you're in command
You're the lifeline I hold dear.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Thought For The Day

Fight as hard as you can.  Always look towards the horizon and not the clouds.  Remember rainbows are never far away.  When you try your best let God do the rest!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Lord Please Help Me


Please help me to see that you are always there
You are smiling at me with a love so true
No matter what I'm facing you truly care
You are the shadow near me in all I do.

You reach your arms for me with a Father's love
And comfort me to know that all is in your great hands
I need to just lay it before your throne above
And trust that you have some exciting great plans.

I may not know everything or what things hold
But I know how much your heart aches for me so
You have plans for me and happiness untold
I must trust in you wherever I may go.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

  Okay, so here is an important question to consider.  If things don't always seem to go just the way you planned, what is your response?  Do you become upset and angry?  Do you feel like giving up or throwing a fit?

  So, we have to admit that we are human.  Emotions are a very real part of who we are.  That's not really an excuse but simply an explanation.  This is a trying world that we live in.  It can get to the core of our humanity in so many ways.

  But, consider this scenario for a moment.  Suppose you wanted to put up a light post in your front yard.  You want it to stand up firmly for a long time.  So you would put cement in the hole not oatmeal?  

  If we want to stand up and be a light in the dark world we live in we have to put God's presence and love in every part of our being.  This way when the element try to attack we will still stand strong and tall.

  God's presence within you causes you to be the victor.  So when your emotions get the best of you turn that Jesus light up brighter.  The Father will take care of it all and give you more happiness than ever imagined!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...