Tuesday, December 14, 2021

A Lesson In Hope

Candy was excited to get a call from her best friend one day...
She had only been home on her college break for a little while
She wanted to spend time with her dear friend in a dire way
And to see the brilliant light of her kind and caring, wholesome smile.

Her friend took her to a holiday sale that started before daylight...
When they arrived, people were already lined up at the main door
And when they finally opened it was a truly horrific sight
Candy and her friend were pushed inside not knowing what was in store.

People shoved and moved about without even an ounce of care...
Suddenly, Candy reached out and she and her friend fell to the floor
A sense of true chaos and mischief seem to be everywhere
Candy stood up and yelled not being able to take it anymore.

She told everyone they could get great deals at a party tonight...
Having the attention of the room she told them just where to be
And although her friend looked at her with a confused sense of great fright
Together the two pals walked out of the room with hope happily.

Candy took her friends hand and they started to pray with humbled love...
That Jesus would take a small seed and make it something super great
He would bless it and create a divine miracle from above
So that others would always remember His power and the great date.

Well many people showed up at the church program that very night...
And although some left, a lot were intrigued and decided to stay
They found new hope in Jesus and a beautiful promising sight
A mighty Christmas miracle of love became real on that day.

Because Jesus planted a small seed in a young girl's heart so true...
And she stood up for what really mattered most and what she believed
Others were able to hear the truth to keep for their lifetime through
And true love was allowed to blossom and to be greatly received!

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