He told everyone to bring a gift that would bless other hearts with 💘 love
It would be a time to share God's love in a very special bright way
And give all praise, joy, and thanksgiving to the Saviour above.
Everyone was 😊 happy to share at the event joyful and grand...
They gathered and brought colorful packages of all sizes that night
Suddenly, something spectacular appeared that wasn't even planned
To everyone it was a happy yet unexpected true sight.
The Pastor's grandson, barely five brought his package to submit so true...
It was wrapped in newspaper as he presented it with delight
His Grandfather told him that this is something he didn't have to do
But he just 😃 smiled brighter with child like happiness and delight.
One by one each person drew a present from the gifts that were bestowed...
The little boy looked puzzled and saddened at everything he'd see
Suddenly his Grandpa's pastor friend picked the gift that he had sown
The 👦 boy smiled again and perked up so happily.
As the man took the newspaper away he saw a small bible there...
The cover was a little torn but otherwise it wasn't that bad
Tears filled the man's eyes as he walked over and hugged the young boy with care
The child saw the happiness and said how delighted he was and glad.
The Pastor knelt by his grandsons side and asked him a question too...
He wanted to know why he was giving his cherished bible away
The boy reminded the Pastor of what he had said they should do
Give something that would bless someone's life for Christmas in a mighty way.
Tears began to fill the Pastor's eyes as he looked at his grandsons joy...
He looked unto Heaven and gave thanks unto his Saviour with humbled 💘 love
For he sent him the Christmas Seed in an innocent and true young boy
A reminder of the true meaning of Christmas from Heaven above.
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