Sunday, December 26, 2021


     So, at this special, awesome time of the year, have you ever heard any one make this statement?  'I wish that Christmas could be every day'.

     Have you ever thought about that too?  Given the state of the 🌎 world that we live in, that's not hard.  We live in a dark, impersonal and lonely, lost world.

     There are so many hurting 💕 hearts searching for a brighter horizon.  Yet, there doesn't seem to be much to grasp for.  It seems to be getting darker.

     Now, if we think about Christmas as most do, we think about a holiday once a year that is convenient.  It is a time off from work.  It is a time for baking, parties and great 🎁 gifts.

      But, that definition is from the human ❤ heart.  The real meaning of 🎄 Christmas happened long ago.  A beautiful baby was born to parents of humble means in a small town called Bethlehem.

     There were no black Friday sales.  There were no Christmas trees.  But, the greatest 🎁 gift of all was given that night that was priceless.

     God gave his beloved Son into the 🌎 world to be born of a virgin so that all who have sinned may be set free.  That is pure, perfect 💘 love personified.

     So you can celebrate Christmas every day.  Just remember the Christ in Christmas.  It is a time to give thanks for His precious 🎁 gift of Salvation and love.

     I challenge you in your pathway to celebrate Christmas every day.  Give a lost and hurting person the gift of His hope by giving them the light of His love and telling them the true story of Christmas.

    Spend some time every day celebrating and thanking the Lord for the greatest gift of all!

God bless you all!

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