Sunday, February 20, 2022

How Can I Say Thank You Enough?

My Awesome Jesus...

When I think about the patience that you have with me...
And the compassion that's always there when I reach out
I 💘 love the great mercy that's mine without boundaries
And the beautiful forgiveness that's there without doubt.

When I think about your ❤ heart that overflows so true...
And your kindness that warms my heart to its very core
Your mighty power that's always with me each day through
Just how you work for my good every moment and more.

Even though I may not see it all with great surprise...
You give me strength, wisdom, and faith to see perfectly
That your pure love and grace give my life purpose to thrive
And realize that you are the most brilliant part of me.

So I am sending my thanks and 🙏 praise to you above...
Even though I feel like it should be much more
I'm giving you my humbled adoration and 💘 love
For you, my precious Jesus are what my life stands for!

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