Sunday, February 13, 2022

The Power Of 🙏 Prayer

Precious Jesus...

The 🌎 world is a dark and very cold place...
I really can't look at its empty, 💔 brokenness anymore
So I seek out the happiness and warmth of your great embrace
And look for your presence to flow with joy from Heavens sweet 🚪 door.

Lord I fall to my knees and look to your mercy so true...
Asking you to forgive and create just what you want to see
I give all of the needs and ambitions of my ❤ heart to you
Asking you to create a masterpiece of promise in me.

I know that by your grace and love with me I have a great plan...
And it begins with real submission to you and mighty faith
That's when I'll see the true unfolding of your mighty hands
It comes by the power of prayer through every time and place.

1 comment:

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...