Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Light Of Life

My Jesus...

You are the light that brings exceptional hope to each otherwise dismal day...
The breathtakingly beautiful happiness that sets my heart ablaze with fire
The blaze of an eternal spirit that moves throughout me in a mighty way
Spreading your power and endurance for the greatest things which I do admire.

1You are the guiding force that directs my feet upon your pathway so true...
My source of promise that keeps me suited in rugged faith and genuine love
Keeping my heart and spirit focused on only the real things in all I do
Realizing that what truly matters can only come down with grace from above.

I am learning new things at your feet Lord with delight and joy every day...
Your Instrument and being prepared to serve you on a mission so great
I give you my heart and all that I am take my hand Lord we're on the way
A dynamic team to change the world for Jesus let's mark this important date!

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