Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Restoration Miracle


The pain that is overwhelming me now is becoming more than I can bear...
I feel so horrible like I'm breaking down quickly within my very core
I feel so worthless like a failure and useless like no one really does care
My heart is shattering looking for any great promise that maybe in store.

A strong fountain of tears from great worry, stress and damaging fear are falling...
You are devastating and hurt by the devastating forces that are attacking me
You truly desire rebuilding and all the great things a life with you brings
And open your arms of promise with love and grace, so caringly.

You embrace me and surround me teaching me to let go of all things that are not you...
Helping to stand strong on the foundation of hope that we will always share
All I have to do is simply rest in you in everything that I do
And through faithfulness you will always take all of my burdens and always be right there.

And now we begin our new journey as I take a step with you on our pathway...
I promise to keep my heart and spirit always focused on you with all might
For you my Jesus are my light and my wisdom that I need for each new day
The thought of becoming a new person in you brings me delight!

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