Friday, April 15, 2022

The Greatest 🎖 Honor

My Precious Jesus...

When I stop to think about the greatest sacrifice made throughout time...
The wondrous presentation of 💘 love and strength to its highest degree
I look at the most breathtaking source of beauty that I'll ever find
And become humbled and so eternally grateful that it includes me.

You love me so much that you gave your own life that I might be forgiven...
You hold me close and call me your beloved child whom you adore
Just knowing that I am   important to you Lord keeps me so driven
This knowledge keeps me inspired, encouraged and reaching out for more.

You are my lifeline that fuels my every 🚶 step along life's pathway...
You gave it all so that our 💕 hearts could be together and happy
I thank you for the gift of my soul rooted in you every day
Thank you for the breathtaking 🎁 gift so that all men can now be set free!.

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