Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Greatest Step In Time


The very essence of all that I am I bestow unto your great hands...
Asking you to take my brokenness and make a masterpiece that is whole
I kneel before you and give you my humbled heart waiting for your great plans
Waiting upon your mercy to heal the pain that has taken it's great toll.

I am a sinner asking for forgiveness and know I've been made brand new...
Your grace and the light of your perfect love have cleansed me in every way
I take your hand with my heart watching yours in everything I do
You are my lighthouse of guidance and inspiration Lord every day.

I will live for you and tell everyone that I am your child so true...
My yearning spirit will sing of your goodness and love Lord forevermore
I want everyone to see your great power no matter what I may do
There's excitement, 💘 love and powerful praise that is building at Heavens door#

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