Friday, July 29, 2022


My Jesus, bless my ❤ heart with peace to hear the stillness of your voice every day...
Give me the true wisdom and reflection to think and walk on as only you do
Help me to pave a crossroad of hope side by side with you along the great way
And to the very essence of who you are within my spirit always be true.

My Jesus, help me to be your masterpiece of promise that is in the making...
I place all that I am before your feet for the greatest miracle to take place
I want all of the best and brightest that a relationship with you now can bring
As I see your breathtaking smile and reach out my arms for your wondrous embrace.

Jesus, restoration means a closer bond of 💘 love eternally with you..
You are not only my Saviour, but the greatest part of my everything
I hold all that you are and our relationship close to me in all I do
May your gentleness and caring nature bring sonshine
And delight to all that life brings.


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

My Promise


I reach for the tenderness of your heart and wrap myself in it in every way...
It is the breathtaking beauty that transforms everything with wonder and delight
It is my overflowing source of strength and love I need for every new day
I revel in your mighty glory and send you thanksgiving with all of my might.

I open my heart to draw in your power and every single blessing so true...
My spirit is in awe of the peace that you have bestowed in such a true, grand way
I welcome you as my Lord and great guide as I embark on my whole pathway through
My great promise is that I will look to you and trust in you more than words can say.

I promise to be your faithful tool and vessel in which you are pleased from above...
For the greatest desire for me is to bring joy to you in every way
You are my sweet Ray of peace, grace and wisdom that comes to me with such love
My Jesus I promise to be your faithful child and serve you every day.


Friday, July 22, 2022

A Daily 🙏 Prayer

There's an emptiness inside that takes the greatest part of who I am...
A horrible feeling that no one cares or wants to be my dear friend
I feel like I have no strong support upon which I can truly stand
There's always a sense of failure and disappointment around every bend.

But then I discover that someone has been reaching out in prayer for me...
Bringing my 💔 broken and lonely heart and spirit before your throne so true
And I begin to discover your love freely and abundantly
Jesus you become my rock and foundation that I will always turn to.

Each day I come to you and ask for healing for my heart in a big way...
You show me mighty things that before I would never at all dream of
You are my best friend and my comfort and all that I will need with every day
I know that I can be a light and a blessing to your Kingdom above!

Friday, July 15, 2022

By All That I Am ...A Prayer

My Beloved Jesus

Your love is like a 🌈 rainbow after the rain, comforting and true...
My guiding light and direction of hope for the steps that I take
It shows me what is meaningful and everything that I must do
It is the greatest example of strong devotion that you make.

I open my ❤ heart and accept it all in the greatest array...
Striving with all my strength to be the best you want me to be
Working hard to be your light in all things I may do or say
Jesus see a wonderful work in progress when you look at me.

So take this 💔 broken vessel into your Craftmans hands right now...
I can see your greatest true talent coming through beyond compare
I can be all that you want share your great wisdom and show me how
I give you my ❤ heart and all that I am in this humbled sweet 🙏 prayer!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Greatest Gift

   Moira sat quietly at the kitchen table trying to come up with ideas.  Her best friend in the world, Jena, was graduating from college.

   She wanted it to be something really special.  They had been friends since they could walk.  Yet, no matter how much she thought, nothing seemed good enough.

   Moira tried to call Jena to invite her to lunch.  But for the first time, she didn't answer.

   Just then, her Mother came in.  She looked at Moira.  Seeing that intense look in her eyes, Moira knew her friend needed her.

   Jena had collapsed and needed blood.  No one was a match.  Moira saw the pain in her friends eyes and volunteered to be tested.  She was a perfect match!

   Her parents agreed that she could help her friend.  Over the next few weeks she helped her Jena recover.

   Soon it was time for Jena to go home.  Moira helped her get ready for graduation.  

   The night of the party she gave her a gift and apologized it wasn't more.  It was a white rose bush and a memory album with their friendship through the years.

   "Not enough?"  Jena asked.  She began to cry.  "You were there when I needed you as you've always been.  Pure love is the greatest gift of all!"

   Moira began to cry.  She embraced her friend.  She remembered how her Pastor always said that.

  Jena even started coming to church.  So Moira didn't have to worry about the perfect gift.  She got that and a great lesson too.  God is so good!


Monday, July 4, 2022

**********A PRAYER FOR AMERICA **********************

Lord, bless this fine nation in which we live.....
From coast to coast and sea to sea
Instill upon it abundant prosperity
This great land that you created
In all of its endless beauty.

Lord, bless us all, your humbled servants.....
As we live our lives upon this land
Provide us with the strength and the courage that we will need
and forever guide our way with your mighty hands.

Lord, please forgive us our trespasses and all of our sins.....
We beg your forgiveness and endless mercy
Show us the way, the truth, and the light
Guide us so that we may live an ideal life
The way it should be.

Lord, be a stable presence in our changing world.....
and forever remind us to look up and pray
Help us to remain encouraged and inspired
and to minister to the lost and by day.

Lord, we want to thank you for your true goodness and mercy.....
You provide us with all that we need each day
May our lives and our actions truly please you
and reflect your sweet spirit in every way.


Sunday, July 3, 2022

Faith And Freedom

My Jesus.....

Thank you for the precious freedom that I cherish and hold so dear...
The blessing and right to live for you and serve you every day
To look to your guidance and fulfill your plan without any fear
And be a shining star that sparkles for you in every way.

Now, there will be efforts by the enemy to stop your great love...
To try and permanently silence your plans in everything they do
But as we stand strong and join forces by faith with Heaven above
We will always get the divine victory and see your plans through.

You are Lord and always on the throne no matter how the wind blows...
We must keep our eyes on you and let you move in your own real time
For nothing really matters here but only just what Heaven knows
So we should place our hands in yours, and everything will be fine.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Prepare My ❤ Heart

Lord, please touch me so perfectly with the mightiness of your great hands...
Anoint me with your spirit like fresh rain to be your tool so true
Fill me with your power and wisdom to be ready for your plans
The greatest thing I desire all my life is to live for you.

I'll be your instrument to showcase your love in a mighty way...
Your vessel being fine tuned to take the light of your grace to all
Your sanctuary with a humbled heart to spread joy every day
An honored servant who waits patiently for the point you might call.

I yearn to hear the beauty of your powerful voice once again...
Come let me learn all I can at your feet so true
Lord you are my Saviour, my great Teacher and always my best friend
I will strive all my life harder and harder to be just like you!

Friday, July 1, 2022

Beautiful Raindrops

My Jesus...

Sweet Lord you are the breathtaking beauty that fills all of my moments with delight...
You are living water and the substance that provides all that I need each day
You are the bread of nourishment and the light that gives my spirit such perfect sight
Lord I come before you and bring Thanksgiving in every way.

Jesus you are my best friend who is by my side with such joy and true happiness...
You are my firm foundation and strength who will never leave me no matter what or where
I am always under the protection of your anointing
So cared for and blessed
We have a rugged bond and a perfect love that is unique, fragile and rare.

My breathtaking Jesus you are the answer to everything that I've searched for...
You are the refreshing rain of new promise that brings restoration large and small
The majesty comes from your heart of grace, love, devotion and much more
You are the answer to all that my yearning heart will need every time it calls!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...