Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Greatest Gift

   Moira sat quietly at the kitchen table trying to come up with ideas.  Her best friend in the world, Jena, was graduating from college.

   She wanted it to be something really special.  They had been friends since they could walk.  Yet, no matter how much she thought, nothing seemed good enough.

   Moira tried to call Jena to invite her to lunch.  But for the first time, she didn't answer.

   Just then, her Mother came in.  She looked at Moira.  Seeing that intense look in her eyes, Moira knew her friend needed her.

   Jena had collapsed and needed blood.  No one was a match.  Moira saw the pain in her friends eyes and volunteered to be tested.  She was a perfect match!

   Her parents agreed that she could help her friend.  Over the next few weeks she helped her Jena recover.

   Soon it was time for Jena to go home.  Moira helped her get ready for graduation.  

   The night of the party she gave her a gift and apologized it wasn't more.  It was a white rose bush and a memory album with their friendship through the years.

   "Not enough?"  Jena asked.  She began to cry.  "You were there when I needed you as you've always been.  Pure love is the greatest gift of all!"

   Moira began to cry.  She embraced her friend.  She remembered how her Pastor always said that.

  Jena even started coming to church.  So Moira didn't have to worry about the perfect gift.  She got that and a great lesson too.  God is so good!


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