Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Beauty Of My Heart

Dear Jesus...

When I look inside the portal of my heart ❤️ there is something new..
It is a seed planted that seems to be growing into much more 
There is a light all around it that blesses everything that I do
And it seems to have such happiness and joy at its very core.

Suddenly, it blossoms into a breathtaking beauty so grand..
Something so exquisite catches the heart of my wandering sight 
I begin to see your perfect love as it blossoms and expands
And your ever loving ❤️ presence slowly fills my heart with delight. 

You show me just how much you love me in so many mighty ways..
And how you will be living in my heart with such grace and much more 
You are the precious beauty that fills me to overflow each day
My Savior, I can't wait to see all of the wonderful things in store!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Lord, You Are My Protection


My heart ❤️ feels so anxious and alone in every way..
Yet, your love ❤️ comes in and brings me comfort and hope so grand
Showing me that you are with me each and every day
Protecting me by the strength of your mighty perfect hands. 

You show me that I'm always wrapped in your sweet arms so tight...
And you're always watching over me with such mighty care
It is always certain that I am in your perfect sight 
And that no matter what your glorious presence is there. 

Jesus you're my protection that I can count on so true...
I never have to feel anxious or alone Lord again 
Place everything into your hands no matter what I do
For You are my Savior, my protection, and my best friend!


Saturday, September 21, 2024

You Are My Compass

My Precious Jesus..

When I can't find my way and the road seems unfamiliar at best..
My heart ❤️ wants to find the absolute best pathway that I should take 
I look for solutions that are the answer for great happiness 
But in my humanity I'm not sure just what choice I should make. 

Your mercy reaches down with a tender hand to comfort me so..
And give me great assurance and peace that I need and so much more 
Suddenly, I feel strength and endurance wherever I may go
And hope for all of the exciting things that you may have in store. 

Your love ❤️ begins to light my footsteps 👣 in a great and mighty way...
Your anointing is planting seeds of hope and joy 😊 to instill
Jesus you are my great compass that offers guidance every day 🙏 
Lord teach me to always be perfectly in your favor and will!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Walking Through A Forest Of Fear

My Beloved Savior...

As I take another step 🚶‍♂️ along the pathway clouds begin to overshadow the windows of my heart ❤️...
There is no more peace and assurance as fear begins to take over in a mighty way
My soul yearns for perfect lighthouse hope to rest upon with trust from the start 
As I reach out for your pure love and listen for all that you have to say. 

Your mercy reaches for me with a gentle touch of wonder and care..
Sweet compassion circles around my spirit and holds me ever so tight 
Your perfect love ❤️ fills me to overflowing with your power that is always there 
And your sweet grace gives me new life's meaning that comes with all of your might.

Your friendship is like a new treasure box that keeps giving forever more..
An understanding Father who tries to make things better with every mile
The beauty and breath of life that has so many great things in store 
Savior the horizon is beginning to shine and make me brightly smile 😃 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

When I Hear Your Song

My Jesus..

When my heart ❤️ hears the melody of your love so precious and grand...
Like a masterpiece it slowly takes shape in a mighty way 
Yearning for the creative, gentle touch of your mighty hands 
It fills my soul with excitement and hope more than words can say. 

Something so wonderful is now unfolding and taking place..
I can see the seeds of your glory now taking root within me
The touch of your anointing and softness of your embrace 
Seem to flow into every place that I now need to be.

Jesus you are my symphony that ignites my life so true..
I can hear the notes of your wonder and glory with delight
Continuing writing your song 🎵 within me with a life so new
Jesus I want to live always and forever by your might!

Lord, When I Think Of How You Love ❤️ Me

My Jesus... When I think of how You love ❤️ me, my heart overflows with a mighty happiness... I am a special and valued part of Your heart i...