Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Walking Through A Forest Of Fear

My Beloved Savior...

As I take another step 🚢‍♂️ along the pathway clouds begin to overshadow the windows of my heart ❤️...
There is no more peace and assurance as fear begins to take over in a mighty way
My soul yearns for perfect lighthouse hope to rest upon with trust from the start 
As I reach out for your pure love and listen for all that you have to say. 

Your mercy reaches for me with a gentle touch of wonder and care..
Sweet compassion circles around my spirit and holds me ever so tight 
Your perfect love ❤️ fills me to overflowing with your power that is always there 
And your sweet grace gives me new life's meaning that comes with all of your might.

Your friendship is like a new treasure box that keeps giving forever more..
An understanding Father who tries to make things better with every mile
The beauty and breath of life that has so many great things in store 
Savior the horizon is beginning to shine and make me brightly smile πŸ˜ƒ 

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