Friday, March 7, 2025

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus...
You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land..
You are the breath of life and the living water that so uplifts me and makes me whole 
My source of all things wonderful that is controlled by Your power and mightiest command 
My great success and awesome future that is overflowing with blessings untold.

You are my sweet, breathtaking Savior, and the author of the journey's story so true..
My unbelievable best friend who is always there for me and walks near me with delight 
My stable foundation and encouragement who strengthens me through everything that I must do 
My lighthouse and guide who gives me great hope and encouragement with power and all might.

You are my breathtaking light that shines with Your love and grace so brilliantly for all to see ..
The music 🎵 that renews my heart and my spirit so brilliantly each day 
The perfect teacher and mentor that renews with Your anointing and joy so perfectly 
Jesus, I can't live without You and want to bring praise and great honor to You always!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

I Open My Heart ❤️ To Your Anointing

Precious 💞 Jesus..

The door is wide open with yearning and delight to all that you are in every way...
Come let Your sweet anointing and great power flow so freely and perfectly 
Live within me and let me hear all of the wonderful things that You say 
Let the fire of Your bright glory now erupt a powerful revival within me.

The door is wide open with desire to learn more about Your will and all that You do...
Ignite an overflow of strength and determination to follow You with all of my might
I want to be faithful to all that You are and always be a light 🕯️ that brings honor to You 
My greatest desire for success is to be a joy to You and to be pleasing in Your sight.

The door 🚪 is wide open as I am prepared and ready to be all that You want me to be...
I stand in awe of the beauty as I see the majestic unfolding of Your mighty hands..
I am ready to follow You as we walk hand in hand together through time so purposely
Lord Jesus, You are my compass and my strong foundation upon which I will always stand!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Thank You For Your Love

My Jesus...

Your love is a pure and breathtaking gift 🎁 from Your heart that I can wrap myself in every day...
It is filled with mercy, compassion and tender blessings that I can call mine with great care 
The great beauty that flows reminds me of Your amazing grace that enriches me in many ways 
And Your power is there to lift me up and encourage me so that nothing heavy I'll bear.

Your sweet love is a light of guidance and an instrument of bright hope for wondrous things...
It is the direction on my pathway that shows me the footsteps to success and perfect happiness 
It is the music 🎵 of life and the strong peace and tranquility for all that life may bring 
It is the source of all that I am searching for and my mightiest asset at best.
Jesus, Your dynamic love is my special 🎁 gift that I am truly grateful and thankful for..
It is a special bond and a friendship that I will always hold close to my heart ❤️ for all time 
All of the time that we share only makes my spirit want to come back for Your greatness and much more 
You are my strong foundation, my rugged anchor ⚓ and the greatest life gift that I will find.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

When The Healing Flows

My Jesus 

As I come into your presence, something wonderful begins to take place...
I present my humbled heart and there's a sense of great love everywhere 
Your caring arms open wide to me and hold me in Your loving embrace 
And Your gentle heart presents me with mercy and shows me how much you care.

As I come into Your presence new life begins to flow like water so true...
Restoration and reconstruction take place with such grace and sweet majesty
I start to take Your characteristics Lord with hope that is straight and new
Something so mighty and beautiful begins to take place now in me.

As I come into Your presence Lord I'm now ready to follow Your light..
I want to listen more when You call and be attentive to Your plans 
My greatest goal and desire is to be pleasing in Your perfect sight 
As I come into Your presence I am yearning to hear Your sweet commands.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Jesus, Help Others To See

My Jesus,

Please help others to see the breathtaking beauty that comes from my heart so true...
Let them behold the wonder of Your anointing as they look much more closely 
Help them to see the light of Your love and the strength of Your power in all You do
Help them to understand how amazing You are, and that You are everything in the world Lord to me.

Please help others to see that we have a special connection and bond that we share...
Let them behold Your glory in every part of who I am without boundaries 
Help them to understand that I have a plan and purpose all because You do care 
And You are the greatest strength, joy and peace that will always be a part of me.

Please help others to see how much I care about their life's pathway with delight...
Give me the words to show them that they have a special story every day
Help them to know that You love them and they can live for You with all of their might 
My Jesus You are the definition of life, happiness 😊 and the only way!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Lord, Make Me Ready

My Savior...

I ask You to come into my heart and begin something beautiful in me...
I want to be Your humbled instrument and reflection of Your great light so true 
Please open up the great window of my heart Sir and help me to now clearly see
Your magnificent power and glory and all of the wonderful things You do.

I ask You to come into my heart and let Your sweet music 🎵 play so perfectly...
I want to sing loudly with all of my soul and let others start to sing too 
Let me spirit rejoice in who you are and be uplifted so wondrously 
And help me to be the picture of Your presence in everything that I do.

I ask You to come into my heart and start a best friendship that will never end...
Let me show You my adoration and love and always serve You the best 
Help me to walk in Your light and be like you with all of the blessings You can send
I am ready mighty Savior as I yearn to live for You with such happiness!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Jesus, I Am So Grateful

My Jesus 

I am so grateful for all of Your love and everything that You do for me..
Your grace and beauty are beyond anything that the heart can speak about 
You are always there whenever I need You with such warmth and generosity
Ready to provide, protect, and defend with amazing strength so I don't go without.

I am so grateful for all of Your blessings and everything that comes from Your hands..
For Your faithfulness and being my best friend who is always there by my side
Thank you for seeing great things in my pathway and success in my major life's plan 
For having the purest wonderful heart whose door is always open so wide.

I am so grateful beyond words and want to praise You with joy every day...
But I know without a doubt nothing will ever be sufficient it's true 
I love You my Jesus and give thanksgiving unto You in every great way 
You are my perfect, pure source of life and help in everything that I must do.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Healing River

My Lord, let Your healing flow like a river of life from Heaven's core ..
I want to feel Your great anointing as it works in a wondrous way 
Seeing Your beautiful love and grace makes me want to shout for much more 
And watch Your glory working like the horizon of a brand new day.

My Lord, let Your healing flow like refreshing water to make things new..
A beautiful ray of light that begins to fill me with all things grand
A great holy force that leads me in everything that I must do
Great and mighty things from Heaven that come from Your powerful sweet hands.

My Lord, let Your healing flow like water of hope for every day...
Amazing droplets of the breath of life that gives rugged strength so true 
And when I think of it all I give praises to You in every way 
My Lord, You are my foundation walking my pathway in all I do.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Music Of My Heart ❤️

I hear a beautiful melody softly calling to me. .. 
Telling me I am important and have a special life's plan 
Showing me I have gifts 🎁 I am blessed with, given happily
I am guided, protected and nurtured by the Saviors hands.

I hear a melody forever calling my name so true.. 
Showing my heart ❤️ just how much I am greatly loved and adored
Helping me to be just like my Savior in all that I do 
Giving my spirit a yearning and desire to want more. 

A hear a melody calling with such purpose and delight..
And listen with attentiveness to every note that is played 
I want to always keep that ray of promise in my sight 
Jesus, you are my melody calling for all of my days!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Jesus, When I See You

My Jesus, when I see You my heart ❤️ fills with a yearning so strong and true..
The desire for Your anointing grows more powerful in every way 
I want to come in to Your precious sweet presence and learn so much from You 
To have You walking by my side every minute of every new day. 

My Jesus, when I see You I see great promise and hope so perfectly...
I open my humble spirit to listen so attentively to You 
My devoted soul soon reaches out for Your great power to embrace me
Precious Savior let me feel Your pure peace and joy in all that I may do. 

My Jesus When I see You I now truly know what great success can be...
It is a life of devotion living for You and serving You at best 
The only things worth having in this life Jesus come from You happily 
I'm grateful to be Your child and to define myself as being blessed!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Jesus, Fill My Heart

Jesus, fill my heart with Your breathtaking spirit so grand...
Let every essence of who You are overtake me
I want to feel You moving and working by Your command 
Make something wonderful with Your love just so perfectly. 

Jesus, fill my heart ❤️ with the breath of Your life sweet and true...
I want to see the light of Your power in a great way 
Fill me with Your anointing and everything from You 
I want to hear Your great voice and all that You have to say. 

Jesus, fill my heart and help me to be Your special light...
Overflowing with everything good from my Saviors hands
I want my heart and life to be pleasing in Your great sight 
My Savior, let miracles now flow from Your precious hands!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Lord, You Are My Anchor ⚓️

Dear Jesus...

As I place my feet upon my pathway,  I look for a guiding point along the way...
A lighthouse of strong direction that will place my feet upon the path that I must travel true 
And then I see the beauty of Your glory shaping things and providing a new day 
Lord, You are the great ⚓️ anchor of my life and journey for everything that I must do.

You are the solid, dependable stepping stone that I can always count on with care..
My confident and best friend who is always ready to stand by me with love and grace 
The beautiful lighthouse whose anointing shines brilliantly with power everywhere 
My greatest blessing who gives me happiness and always holds me in Your embrace. 

Jesus, I want to thank You for being everything that I will need and much more..
I know that I am grounded in the very best stock at this time 
I can now see Your hands opening and great things coming down from Heaven's mighty shore
My sweet Savior, thank you for being the most awesome anchor ⚓️ that I will ever find. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

I Can See The Healing Light

There is something breathtaking on the horizon more beautiful than words can say...
It is a bright and wondrous light of hope and love that shines so spectacularly 
It seems to get even more pronounced all around me in a most powerful way 
To project a truly glorious gift 🎁 for my heart and designed just for me. 

Suddenly, I can feel a warmth near me that I have never felt any time..
It is a glorious feeling that I don't have to feel alone anymore 
And when I want to welcome this amazing wave of goodness and blessing so kind 
All that I need to do right now is stop, begin to look within and open my hearts door. 

Healing begins to flow in like an amazing tidal wave of pure grace..
Jesus that's when I see You moving in my life with definition and a plan 
So I don't have to hurt anymore but simply look up at Your wonderful face 
That's when miracles take place as I see Your anointing and Your unfolding hands. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Jesus, I Am Hurting

Jesus I am hurting because of unkind people every day...
They break my heart ❤️ and tear me down not seeming to worry or care
You don't want me to be unkind so please defend me in Your way 
I need to feel Your comfort right now and know that You are right there. 

But, sometimes it just feels like You don't hear my crying at all..
There are moments when my spirit feels so empty and quite alone 
Yet, I know that Your mercy hears my heart whenever I may call
Why do You let them treat me that way with such a damaging tone.

I can see Your arms reaching down to pick me up with love and grace.. 
A clearer vision is coming to my mind like never before 
I feel assurance that things will work out as I'm in Your embrace 
Jesus,  I come now and lay all of these burdens on Heaven's shore.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Thank You, My Jesus

Thank you my Jesus for always having such great patience with me...
Your beautiful arms of grace are open with such amazing care
And when I need a touch of Your power You are there completely 
Your heart ❤️ of compassion is wide open with a love that is rare. 

Thank you my Jesus for always having such pure mercy for me...
Your wonderful forgiveness is awesome, abundant and so true 
You always see the very best of everything so perfectly 
Whenever I'm in Your presence my broken heart becomes brand new. 

Thank you my Jesus for always having great forgiveness for me..
I can see a new success and joy with such pure hope and might 
I am renewed and ready for what Your great spirit truly sees
May my service to You always be so pleasing in Your great sight. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Lord, I Need You

My Lord, I need the touch of Your spirit to infiltrate my life in every way...
I want to feel the warmth of Your anointing moving through me like healing oil true 
I need the strength of Your mighty power to help me see the horizon each day 
Let the power of Your fire 🔥 ignite me for all I must do. 

Lord, I need the blessing of Your love to renew me and make me all I must be...
Let the light of Your mighty glory be my great torch to carry whereall I must go 
And give me an abundance of Your perfect happiness and wondrous tranquility 
Please help me to listen attentively to Your voice and hear Your words to always know. 

My Lord, I need a forever connection to Your sweet and generous heart ❤️ so grand...
The greatest desire that I could ever have is for You to be so proud of me 
That I may bring You praise and honor and see the outstretching of Your mighty hands 
My Jesus, I want to give You all praise and Thanksgiving for all of eternity!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Jesus, I Am Yours

My Jesus...

I dedicate my heart ❤️ and all that I am unto You..
Please take me just as I am into Your sweet hands of grace
Give me Your greatest tool kit from Heaven to see me through 
Help me to be Your humbled vessel for each time and place. 

Forgive me and wash me by Your blood of salvation true..
Let Your power cleanse me and ignite me so perfectly 
Give me a great restoration walk and all things brand new
Jesus, let the fountain of Your love ❤️ flow now over me. 

Lord, I take the first step to walk in Your love with delight..
I want to feel Your heart beat so close to mine in every way 
I give You the broken pieces with such zest and great might 
Hand in hand, let's walk 🚶‍♂️ into the wonder of a new day!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Most Beautiful Word

When you think about one special word that gives you joy beyond compare...
It's something that takes hold of the heart ❤️ and transforms it in many ways 
A meaningful, breathtaking new life word that is so pure and rare 
It gives you bright light and expectations for new and brighter days. 

When you think about one special word that provides blessings big and small...
And is the answer to every question strong and complex
A mighty waterfall of promise that will continually fall
Yet always manages to provide the utmost of perfect happiness. 

When you think about one special word just what could it possibly be?
It contains a simple five letters JESUS, and that's grand 
The most wonderful, amazing word that's everything to you and me
He is our Savior of love and grace who takes care of us with great plan.

Friday, February 7, 2025

My Lord, When You Whisper My Name

When I hear the gentle whisper of my name calling to my heart ❤️ so beautifully..
Everything is silent for a few brief moments as my spirit listens with care
The light of a pure and breathtaking love ❤️ begins to surround me so perfectly 
It is at that moment that I know my sweet Savior's anointing is there. 

I can feel a deep adoration for me and how special I am, it is true..
I have a special place in my Lord's heart ❤️ with compassion and mercy at its best 
There is forgiveness and grace, joy and wonder for everything that I must do 
And an endless source of perfect peace, strength, endurance and abundant happiness 😊 

When I hear the gentle whisper of my name calling to my heart ❤️ every day..
I fall to my knees with tears in my eyes and cry out 'thank you Jesus for loving me "
I pledge my heart ❤️ and life unto You with everlasting faith in every way 
More of Your power and salvation is all that I want to the greatest degree!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

When I See The Sunrise 🌅

My Jesus...

When I see the breathtaking sunrise so brilliant before me..
I realize just how powerful Your love is in every way 
I fall to my knees and give thanks with honor so perfectly 
For You are the great center for every one of my days. 

Your glory magnifies like a great lighthouse for all to see...
Showing how wonderful and truly amazing You are 
A light from Your heart ❤️ of all that's good from eternity 
The beauty of a Saviors greatness that is so special by far. 

When I see the breathtaking sunrise 🌅 I know that all is grand..
There is nothing else that could ever be so ideal or so true 
I know that it is the outstretching of Your precious, sweet hands 
Jesus, all things blessed and wonderful can only come from You!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Lord, I Know You'll Carry Me Through

My Savior..

As I begin to travel my pathway not knowing the best way..
There is confusion clouding the happiness in my heart ❤️ so true 
Thoughts and wonder 🤔 fill my spirit with sadness each brand new day 
I just don't know exactly where I should turn or just what I should do. 

My soul reaches out for mercy and Your sweet hands of saving grace..
I fill myself with Your word and kneel before You in humble prayer 
Just at that very moment I begin to see Your beautiful face 
As Your arms open wide with love and You show me how much You care.

The bond that we share means that my life is always something so new..
I'm never alone as You work by Your power so perfectly 
Throughout every footstep and mile You will carry me through 
Jesus, this will be an awesome journey because You are with me!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

My Jesus, Your Precious Eyes

My Jesus, You see the pain and the anguish that I feel every day..
Your hand reaches down and slowly dries every tear with great care 
Your perfect love assures me You'll take care of it in every way 
And in every sense I need it Your healing power will be there. 

Suddenly, a great warmth begins to fill the essence of my soul...
My spirit is uplifted to believe it will all be brand new 
I have great faith that the pain will go away and I will be whole 
My awesome and wonderful Savior I owe everything to You. 

Suddenly I begin to do all of the things that I did again..
All of my prayers 🙏 have been answered with such great power that is grand 
I give all praise, honor and Thanksgiving to my faithful and loving best friend 
Thank you Lord for the movement of Your powerful,  mighty hands.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Lord, When I Take A Step

My Lord, When I take a step I know You will always be there for me..
Your precious love is my shield of promise that will always make a way 
And when I look up it's the reflection of Your hope that I will see
I believe and trust for great things to blossom 🌸 every brand new day. 

My Lord,  When I take a step Your happiness will fill my heart so true..
Your great spirit will lift me up and encourage me for so much more 
Your caring nature will always take care of me in all that I do 
I am yearning for Your anointing and the seeds that You have in store. 

My dear Lord when I take a step I will be a little more like You..
I am ready to begin the journey and I ask You to prepare me 
Let me see the movement of Your hand in everything that I may do 
I want to hold Your word in my heart ❤️ and walk with You so perfectly. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Lord You Are My Source


You are my source and light of hope for everything ✨️ I will ever need..
The beauty of Your glory shines like a guiding star for my dear heart 
When I want to find my path it is only through You I will succeed 
The breathtaking reflection of Your power is where it all will start. 

You are my strength and foothold that I can depend upon every day..
Refreshing rain that keeps life exciting, wondrous and so brand new 
My heart wants to reach out and learn from You and all of Your mighty ways 
Lord I want You to open Your hands and touch my life in all I do.

Lord You are my great well of living blessings that never will run dry...
I never have to wonder or worry but wait and behold it all 
For You are now always in control and I never have to ask why 
All I have to do is believe and trust and know You're there when I call.

Jesus, You Are All My Soul Needs

There are days when I feel sluggish and ready to give up in every way..
Everything seems to be failing and not what I expected it to be 
I feel like such a complete failure who has let you down from day to day 
The one thing I didn't want was for You to be disappointed in me. 

You lift my head so gently with such dedication and wondrous great care...
It is then I see You smile with love in Your eyes so beautifully 
Your anointing completely fills me with a light that shines everywhere 
And perfect grace ❤️ begins to work hard and restore the greatest parts of me. 

Suddenly an amazing happiness and joy fill me to overflow..
Lord, I am a brand new person who has such wonderful things now in store 
I am grateful for Your mercy and will walk in Your light where I may go
Jesus, I am grateful for our bond and I want to know so much more!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Lord, You Are My Example

My Jesus

When I think about everything that's important in my life every day 
I cannot find very many things that can truly compare 
Your love as my compass always showing me the greatest of ways 
And a perfect grace that always blesses me and shows me how You care.

When I think about everything that's important in my life with delight 
My heart ❤️ yearns for Your anointing like a shower from Heaven so true 
And my spirit welcomes You as You touch me with Your great might 
As Your sweet hands open wide with excitement and make me so brand new. 

When I think about everything that's important to be grateful for 
I think about our powerful bond that will last for all eternity ♥️ 
How I can always come at any time with my needs to Heaven's door 
My greatest success is knowing that You will always be there for me!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Help Me Lord, Please

Help me Lord,  please it's becoming harder every day...
When people treat me poorly it hurts so much it's true 
I want to make them hurt in the most horrific way
But that wouldn't be something that is pleasing to you. 

I ask that You give me patience and show me Your best..
Give me perfect love that You can only give away 
Fill my heart ❤️ with gentleness and special happiness 
Help me to do Your will and listen to what You say. 

Help me Lord to make the world a calm and special place...
Let me learn from You as You turn hard things into good
Please place peace in my heart ❤️ and a smile 😃 on my face 
Help me to be an example as Your child would. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Lord, I Lift Up My Heart ❤️ To You

My Jesus..

I present my whole heart ❤️ to You Lord with humility in every way..
Please 🙏 see the yearning and desire for Your presence that is so sincere 
I want You to be the center of it all with Your glory every day
I want to feel the beauty of Your anointing that is always so near. 

I present my whole heart ❤️ to You Lord and fill it with everything from You..
Help me to be Your unique vessel with a mission that is 😊 happy and blessed 
Equip me with all of the tools and blessings that I will need to make it through 
Give me the strength, endurance and wisdom to know You'll take care of the rest. 

I present my whole heart ❤️ to You Lord to serve You and honor You with might..
You are the holy breath that gives me purpose and wondrous hope so true 
I dedicate my whole life to You to be pleasing in Your great sight 
My Blessed Jesus please be Lord of my life and guide me in all I do!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A Prayer For Our Great Nation

My Blessed Jesus..

I ask that You bless our fine nation with Your precious love ❤️ today..
Let Your mighty anointing Lord flow with grace now from shore to shore 
Please 🙏 bless us with Your power and show us Your most Heavenly ways
Give us Your divine guidance with wisdom, knowledge and so much more. 

Let Your spirit fill every home and church ⛪️ now so perfectly..
May every heart ❤️ cry out and yearn with desire to see Your all 
Let souls ignite with Your fire for all of the world to now see
Help every spirit to be attentive and hear Your great call.

Lord Jesus,  I'm praying for revival to come to our great land.   We need You desperately to flow igniting us all Lord every day 
Create a mighty restoration movement by Your perfect hands 
Please 🙏 send the rain to bring the miracle we need in every way! 

A Call For Revival

My Jesus 

You are the cornerstone of our nation every day..
The rugged strength upon which all other things come alive 
The great guiding light that will always make a special way
The mighty living water 💧 of hope upon which we thrive.

You are the foundation upon which the spirit grows..
The overflowing source of Heaven's wonder all around 
The voice that speaks so beautifully for the heart ❤️ to know 
The fountain of blessing and anointing where love ❤️ is found. 

You are the mighty Savior of the world for all to see...
A great best friend who is always there to listen with care
Revival is coming as You reach out so tenderly
My Jesus,  I want to be Your light that shines everywhere. 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

What Can I Say?

My Jesus..

Sometimes I just don't understand things no matter how hard I try...
I seek to look for great things but see sadness and heartbreak galore 
My heart ❤️ is filled with anxiety seeking the question why
My soul yearns for Your mighty anointing and more.

You simply ask one thing of me that I keep my eyes on Your love 
All that I am takes hold of Your great presence and never lets go
I take every part of my being and give it to you above 
That Your wisdom will show me all the great things that I need to know. 

You dry my tears and take my hand showing me a story so grand 
And how our most perfect connection will carve a mighty pathway
You will come by grace and lead my wayward heart with Your perfect hands 
So I will never be confused but see the light of a new day.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Rainbow 🌈 Of Grace

It is a beautiful symbol of promise bestowed from Your heart ❤️ above...
An outflow of Your anointing and power for all of the world to see
A breathtaking light of Your presence overflowing with Your perfect love ❤️ 
Always there in great abundance without any real limits just for me. 

It is a beautiful symbol of a gift 🎁 designed with wonder and care...
And flows directly from Your heart ❤️ with such great expectations in mind 
To show Your dedication and determination to always be there
Showing the greatest expectations for success and grandeur one can find.

It is an awesome, unique symbol designed to help me on my pathway...
Something to treasure and with the deepest gratitude embrace 
Thank you my Savior for being everything to me and my whole day 
I take hold of and will always cherish the rainbow 🌈 of Your perfect grace!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Thank You, Jesus

Thank You Jesus for a perfect, breathtaking love that is always there for me..
I'm grateful for the sweet mercy and grace that fill the moments of each new day 
The forgiveness, compassion and blessings that enrich my life abundantly 
The awesome provision and power that will always make a special way. 

Thank You Jesus for the best friendship that makes my life so much sweeter still...
The peace and tranquility that smooths the pathway with such joy and happiness 😊 
The light of hope that keeps me focused on Your anointing and Your will
Your sweet heart ❤️ that overflows to always provide me Your very best.

Thank You Jesus for accepting me just as I am with such mighty care...
For always being by my side no matter what to see me through 
Welcoming me with open arms and taking all of my burdens to bear
I'm so grateful for Your patience and with honor I will always serve You!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Beautiful Wishes

My Breathtaking Jesus 

It's a special time to reflect and look at all that You mean to me 
You're the beautiful light of life that I treasure in so many ways 
And when this time comes again it is that great unique love that I see
A bright, wondrous gift 🎁 and blessing that I'll treasure for all of my days.

It is a time to celebrate for the gift of new hope and great care
And not about getting old but growing in Your spirit and sweet will 
Knowing that You will provide with a mercy and grace that is so rare 
And all of my days will be filled with wisdom that You instill.

Jesus thank you for another year that brings me joy and warms my soul 
I'm so grateful for this gift 🎁 from Your heart with delight from above
This blessing is filled with things from You that make me complete and whole 
But most especially it is a reflection of Your perfect love. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Lord, Shower Me With Your Glory

My Breathtaking Jesus 

Let the beauty of Your glory rain down upon me like fresh water of life from Heaven's door
Filling me with Your great anointing and power restoring and creating new things in me
Giving me such definition, glory and purpose with so many good things in store 
Helping me to understand that you are in control, the Father of all and eternity. 

Let the beauty of Your love shine upon me like a lighthouse of hope that never fades away 
May Your grace and peace shelter and shield me from all of the factors with great care
May my heart ❤️ always know that You are my great courage to have for every brand new day 
Let Your strength be my anchor upon which all of my fears and burdens You will bear.

Let the beauty of Your great heart reflect upon me and be my mighty example so true 
Showing me how to be everything that You are with such precision, perfection and care
Jesus, please 🙏 show me how to be in prayer throughout everything that I must do 
And to realize that no matter what I am never truly alone for You are there. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

I Yearn To Hear Your Voice

My Jesus 

I yearn to hear Your voice calling out my name with love and care
Speaking words of such wisdom and beauty so perfectly to me
Telling me that You're making a promise to always be there
And laying down the pathway of sweet success for me to see..

I long to feel Your power moving and working within my soul 
Filling me with the greatest fire of anointing and grace 
Bestowing within me Your glory to make me great and whole 
Allowing me to see the wonder of Your sweet awesome face. 

I desire to touch Your heart and all things within its core
I want to be the reflection of goodness that comes from You 
Help me to be attentive to all things that You have in store 
Jesus I want to serve You and praise You every moment through!

Friday, January 3, 2025

All The Pieces

Dear Jesus 

Please 🙏 give me the peace in my heart ❤️ to navigate every day 
Fill my spirit with an understanding of who you are in me
Let me feel Your sweet spirit moving in such an intimate way 
Jesus always working by my side is where I want You to be. 

Let's see Your love ❤️ moving creating great things with wonder and grace
Beholding such breathtaking things that I could never see so true 
I can expect awesome sweet blessings to be there in time and place
My Lord nothing is impossible when I place such trust in You.

Please give me the patience to be ready whenever Your heart calls 
I want to always hear Your voice calling me so precise and clear 
Wash me in the beauty of your spirit and never let me fall 
My Jesus You're my life's purpose that I treasure and hold so dear

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A New Year's Blessing

My Jesus 

Let Your greatest blessings be upon this New Year 
Every minute of every hour so pure
Please help me to always feel that You are so near
Ready to give me strength and courage to endure. 

Let Your greatest love ❤️ and grace now fill this new year 
Take me into Your mighty hands for something real 
Creating in me an instrument without fear 
And giving me Your anointing to truly feel. 

Let Your great, divine presence now fill this new year 
Help me to feel perfect hope that You are with me 
Helping me and teaching me to always draw near 
Jesus, this new year Your glory is what I see!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...