Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Happy Heart Is An Ideal Barometer For A Perfect Weather Journey

The Port Of Hope And Gentleness

A heart that uses optimism, delight, and faith as its guiding force will often find the brighter pathway of the journey.
     What is the best definition of the word happiness?  There really isn't one.  Think about the genuine meaning and reflect upon it.  Sure, there might be a personal description that each heart would state and focus upon.  But, in actuality, it is not something that is acquired or obtained.  There is no value to it.  Yet, it is a priceless treasure to develop and promote.
     The truth is pure happiness is a matter of choice.  It is a frame of mind that begins with seeds of growth to help it develop and further its progression.  There are three main seeds that serve as the foundation:  faith, optimism, and enlightenment.  A heart that is firmly grounded in the roots of faith is situated in the stability of promise.  It is a recognition that there is no solitude.  But, there is a greater power that is in command for the greater good.
     As a result, it brings a peace because better things can be anticipated.  God is at the helm.  As this atmosphere matures, it increases inner belief or optimism.  Optimism is an expectation of great things or brighter outcomes no matter what the challenges or surroundings.  It is a determination to excel in the greatest way possible, always with the greatest ability. 
     Thirdly, the presence of faith and optimism spur the creative development and nurturing of enlightenment.  This is a positive inspiration that looks beyond the circumstances to the points of hope or horizons nestled beyond the clouds.  This is where pure happiness readily blossoms.  Any dedicated and devoted journeyman desiring success would want a perfect and ideal weather journey.
     They would want to discover the best pathways with the most solid footing to accomplish the greatest results.  So, kneel down and pray.  Get that strong foundation in place and stand upon it with a firm hold that cannot be detached under any means.
     Pure happiness is a beautiful gift that should never be hindered.  Let the heart be the best barometer it can be, guiding the journeyman on a pathway to a brighter and more enriching tomorrow.
Make the heart, a heart of grace
Grounded in the roots of love
Let it be a mighty place
Blessed by your hands above.
Prepare it to be a guiding light each day
Showing what the best should surely be
No matter what the challenges you are the way
and will always help it to remain clear and free.
Help it to be governed by pure happiness so true
It grows and finds its greatest roots in prayer
Knowing that all peace & hope come from you
and in every moment, you are always there.
Let it be a seed that feeds the essence of the soul
& ignites the spirit with an eternal flame of joy & tranquility
For in your presence, pure happiness finds its promise complete & whole
and that is where the victory and success will always be. 

Prepare your hearts!  Tickets please!  We are proceeding to the next port of call!

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