Sunday, March 22, 2015

Stress Is A Powerful Heavy Blocking Stone That Can Be Transformed Into A Dynamic Stepping Stone Of Hope

The Port Of Direction And Guidance

The heart that shields itself with the spirit of faith and the strength of love empowers itself to turn challenges into triumphs
     What is the most certain realization that seems to be universal?  Nothing in the world is perfect.  Life is like a uniquely planned and beautifully created play by an awesome creator.  The aspects of everything are known at their respective planned time.  All that is truly assured is the moment at hand.  Things may arise at unforeseen times that may not be perceived as favorable to the heart.
     There may be moments of great challenge that test the very limits of strength, courage, and patience.  Why do such moments exist, in all truth, in the day to day times of the journey?  As things vary off course from what is considered to be the 'comfort zone' of life stress and discomfort develop.
     Feelings of uncertainty and uneasiness take total control.  Any benefits building from the special gifts of strength and courage are faded into the background.  So why do such difficult scenarios exist?  Well, again, nothing is perfect in life.  But, if someone is to grow, develop, and learn new things, there has to be a building ground or foundation upon which to mature.
     It is just like a young child who is learning to walk.  Due to an innate desire to move, the heart is propelled to try and succeed.  But, along the way, there will be periods of tumbling, falling down, and even some redness.  The child gets up and tries again.
     The heart is like a beautiful seed being planted in the garden of hope by God's love.  It must have learning grounds where it can be nurtured, develop, and mature.  But, the initial success in such an environment depends upon two factors:  how the heart reacts to the situation, and how much effort is given.  The heart that reacts in a positive way and with joy reinforces the prospects of growth and success.
     Any negative perception only hinders success and prevents the heavy block of stress from becoming the dynamic stepping stone of success that it can be.  So, what does the journeyman do?  It is all about trust:  inner trust, and trust in the Lord.  Always remember that he is an outstanding playwright with the greater good always in his hands.
     When challenges are turned into a foundation for triumph, love's greatest power shines.  Always be positive and ready to learn.  Anticipate the great things that God has for the next act of the play (journey).
I ask for your greatest strength and courage to fill me like a beautiful fountain to overflowing.  Help me to strengthen my faith, to learn how to make more powerful my time with you, and to have the patience to learn how to grow and continuously develop into the dynamic journeyman you would have me to be.  Always be there with each step.  Let me see the light of your presence as it guides me to victory.  Amen
Tickets please!  Tickets please!  We are proceeding to the next port of call!  It should be a great adventure filled with intrigue!  All Aboard!!!!!  Stay tuned!!!!!

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