Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Voyage Chronicles

A Continuing Fictional Story of Love's Greatest Gift

Segment One

     Rick stood quietly in the corner of the room.  He gazed out of the window, trying to fight back the tears, watching the snow falling just outside.  He seemed lost in deep concentration.  Yet, the intricate beauty, genuine nature, and fragile quality of each flake seemed of great interest.

     He marveled at God's power.  Rick came to know the Lord just a few years ago.  He believed that the Lord was always there for him.  But, somehow, now he felt so detached and alone.  He felt like he was so far away from the amazing love that he had come to know and depend upon.

     Suddenly, the door slowly creaked open.  Footsteps entered the darkened, quiet room.  Rick could feel such anguish and pounding in his heart.  A real man wasn't supposed to feel this way.  But, he never felt so scared as he did at that moment...........


Stay tuned for the next exciting segment!

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You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...