Sunday, March 8, 2015

Life Is A Precious Recipe Of Love

The Port Of Grace And Blessing

A heart that sees the true wonder of life will make use of its greatest aspects  

     The ideal recipe is an important issue to consider in order to achieve a desired end result.  There are many components that need to be reviewed in the process:  ingredients, environment, tender loving care, as well as how much of something, and when.  Once the finished product has been obtained, it then becomes necessary to nurture and monitor it to encourage further development.
      So, what is the perfect example of an ideal recipe?  The answer to that question is quite simple - life.  Life is a beautiful gift of grace bestowed from a magnificent creator's heart.  It is the end result uniquely developed by his mighty hands established over time.  There are many special gifts that are appropriated at their own given point, all in the name of perfect love - a recipe of love.
     What are some of these gifts?  A few examples are:  blessings, provisions, strength, healing, prayer, and happiness.  Blessings are the beautiful tokens of peace, both large and small, that enhance life.  Provisions are the tools of hope that make life more adaptable.  Strength and healing are the 'able' factors for the journeyman that makes life more acceptable with every step.  Prayer and happiness are the lifeline and extension cord of the mission.
     However, the journeyman is also given a beautiful treasure chest of unique qualities to help facilitate that recipe.  These qualities include:  gratefulness, thankfulness, love, appreciation, and free will.  Gratefulness and thankfulness are powerful qualities.  They represent the realization of the heart of its many obtained graces from the hands of God.  There are blessings......from the largest to the very smallest.  This is where the essence of free will or choice comes in.
     The journeyman has the choice to be receptive and a visionary about the beautiful surroundings upon the journey.  For instance, suppose you weren't feeling well and received a get well card and some chicken soup from a friend.  A positive free will would definitely see this as a blessing.  
     Now, love and appreciation are the last two factors.  Love is the universal language of hope and positivity.  Appreciation is the acknowledgement of something good that has enriched the heart and the very footsteps of the journey.  
     When the overall picture is examined with intensity through the window of the heart influenced by these factors of the treasure chest, there is a greater acceptance of the delicacy of life.  As a result, the journeyman sees the boundaries of each moment, and works diligently to make the most of it, all in a constructive way.  The moments of time become the clay mold that can be developed into something awesome with the greatest potential.
     As this happens, the journeyman realizes that the factors also grow in their intensity to be great.  It is like a conglomerate of good things all benefiting each other, and the heart......the desired result.  
     So, the recipe of love is a nurtured recipe of hope from God's heart that lays a path for tomorrow.



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