Friday, August 7, 2015

The Family Foundation

It is a beautiful light of blessing that shines brilliantly from above.....
A wonderful gift so perfectly mastered and tailor-made with great care
Enriched with strength and purpose to be an eternal light of your great love
and a powerful force of true hope and great promise that is always there.

It is an inspirational union of caring hearts joined by your hand.....
Reinforced by your magnificent presence to do great and mighty things
Structured by the precise guidance of your great and marvelous perfect plan
to be a foundation for the journey and all the adventure it brings.

Sometimes it can be a unit that can look so misshaped and broken down.....
But, that is when the Master Craftsman comes in with great speed to do his best
and make something broken and unstable into a rugged, solid ground
Where the wonder of your presence can move with great power and awesomeness.
Stay tuned!

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