Friday, August 7, 2015

The Family Foundation
The Port of Stability and Solid Ground

A heart that finds a stable foundation discovers a true journey
     Think about this statement for a moment.  If someone is trying to build something successful, what is a necessary tool that they must have?  The answer that would most perfectly fit that question is a solid foundation.

     It has to be something strong and durable that would outlast the rugged terrain of time.  It is awesome to envision the perfection of our Creator's plan.  He gave us the strong, powerful foundation of family for the journey.

     It is a beautiful stepping stone of promise and hope that empowers our travels.  But, there are other facts to also consider:  people who don't have or have lost family, and family that has broken apart.

     For people who don't have or have lost family, this is when God's provision and his great hand of mercy come forward in more abundance.  In provision for the willing heart, he brings forth people who are "like" family to totally fill the gap and void.

     This could include a wide range of people like very good friends, or church family which are always there for you.  Now, for the family that has broken apart, this is where God's hand of wonder takes control.

     The 'Great Potter' or 'Master Craftsman' can take that broken unit and make it more beautiful and stronger than before.  But, it takes that broken state to make a state of the art.  It is through the most willing heart that he can work his greatest task.

     So, once the foundation is secure, and stable there is support, inspiration and motivation for the journey.  It's like having your own personal 'pit crew' to enrich you to get prepared before the race.

     Let's take time to thank God for his unbelievable preparation and working power.  He is always interceding and moving.  All one has to do is have a willing heart and four simple words:  'thy will be done'.

     The family foundation is a beautiful gift and blessing from God's heart that will enlighten every step.

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