Sunday, February 7, 2016

Instrument For The Mission

     Have you ever had the privilege of visiting a pottery store and watching a person mold or shape clay into something beautiful?  They work on each section with detail and love.  It is really fascinating.  But, there is the key

     The Lord is the ultimate Potter who prepares us for our mission or journey.  Yet, he knows that we need the instrument or tool to direct our steps.  One of those key instruments is Love.

     We are to love ourselves and others as he loves us.  This is not always a simple task to do.  Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror in the morning and wanted to run out of the room?  Have you ever been insulted by someone and thought that was the end of it.

     This is where the power of God's perfect love comes in.  He wants us to see ourselves and others through his eyes.  He will help us and give us strength to achieve this every step of the way.

     He wants us to know that we are beautiful masterpieces in the making.  We are continually be crafted and reworked to be the awesome and breathtaking work of art that he foresees.

     God's perfect love also wants us to pray for those that hurt us.  He loves them also.  We are to pray for them to be saved and become better.

     So, where do you begin?  Get down on your knees and ask God to teach you to be more like him and his amazing love.  Can you think of anything more spectacular than learning at the feet of the Master and becoming his great apprentice?

     The great mission is ready.  You are his subject.  Will you accept the call?  He will teach you all that you need to walk by his great love.  He is working it all through, piece by piece.

Lord, teach me how to love like you
let me look through the eyes of your heart each day
and be your instrument in all I do
I want to praise you in every way.
God bless you all!

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