Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Chalkboard

     Have you ever discovered an exciting new project and seemed inspired to try it?  You carefully try to summarize everything and gather the information and the parts that you will need.  This can apply to guys and gals alike.

     Yet, no matter how hard that you try to calculate and plan, you discover that the parts are not enough.  Those special points are missing that would absolutely make the mission complete.

     You feel disappointed and confused about what to do next.  Does this scenario sound a little like life?  You think that you have all of the nice little neat pieces that you will need to fit into a perfect picture.

     Yet, things seem so disordered and imperfect.  You have a broken heart from inner hurt that people have caused you.  Your spirit seems so down from disappointments and challenges.

     Suddenly, here comes the voice of reason.  A beautiful hand of hope comes in and begins to erase the unneeded pieces on the chalkboard of life.  He then begins to draw the pieces that are really needed and the perfect instruments to acquire them in time.

     Everything soon starts to look like it is meshing together.  The project begins to take shape upon the chalkboard of life and show something wonderful that the heart can only imagine.  The unnecessary strings of despair are gone.

     Soon, the chalkboard begins to fill with plans to inspire other hearts.  There is happiness.  There is joy.  The lesson plan of the project comes together when you let the teacher God do the instruction.

God bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely agree! Hope is crucial in navigating life, and the source of that hope is even more crucial:)


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