Monday, April 11, 2016

Bewilderment Of The Heart

     Have you ever had moments in your life when you felt like you were outside in the cold with no coat and someone locked the door?  It is easy to wonder sometimes whether you are alone and your prayers have gone unanswered.

    But, that is just a human response to seeing things.  There is one important issue to consider.  God's timing is perfect.  But, we don't know his timing.  This is where our innate faith comes into play.

    We know that God has never left us.  Why would he ever do that?  God never fails or forsakes.  He loves to work mighty and wonderful things.  But, we have to open our hearts and look to him.

    So, don't look at the things around you.  Concentrate on the Lord.  He will see you through the pathway with the success that he has just for you!
God bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. what a lovely sentiment. Can't say that I'm a believer, but I can appreciate it nonetheless.


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