Monday, October 14, 2019

Awesome Revelations

     Can you stop for a moment and imagine what pure, genuine love really is?  I am not talking about the definition that we might produce in our own human context.  Think about a love that is so pure, so powerful, and unbreakable.

     It can never be shaken or destroyed.  It grows stronger and more breathtakingly beautiful.  Now consider where this love comes from.  It comes from a wondrous heart that is so big, so giving, and kind.

     I am talking about a Heavenly Father who loves His children with a love that even the human mind cannot fathom.  You are His beloved child.  You are so precious and adored by Him.

     He has given you the gifts of salvation and grace so that you might be forgiven and set free.  So, here is the question to consider.  How can you feel like you have no purpose or meaning?  If you ever feel that way stop.

     You are royalty.  You are the child of the King of Kings.  He has everything in the palm of His hands.  His arms are outstretched to guide you through your journey like a new dad guiding a child to walk.

     Walk on with great strength, hope and confidence.  Your Heavenly Father loves you so much.  Together, nothing is impossible.

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