Saturday, October 19, 2019

When I feel Like Quitting

There are days when I feel like giving up and going away
Nothing seems to work exactly as it should work anymore
I have given it all that I can and have nothing else to say
I feel so broken and confused right to my very heart's core.

But then something whispered quietly and peacefully to me,
You are a beloved child of the precious Lord God above
He has you wrapped safely in His mighty arms so perfectly
He is taking care of everything for you by His grace and love.

When you feel heart getting sad and down look up to Him with care
He will give you divine peace, comfort and understanding
He will be the strong step right beside of you and always be there
You will find hope in His name, promise and no more suffering.

At that moment, I dropped to my knees and looked towards Heavens sky
There will never be a moment again when I start to feel sad
My Father will provide for me and help me to always get by
He will give me his delight and comfort and will make me glad.

Thank you my precious Father for everything that you do
Thank you for all that you give from your great heart with generosity
I place myself in your hands and will always depend on you
You are my source, my happiness my everything for eternity.  😊

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