Saturday, October 12, 2019

You Are...


You are the light that brings hope to each one of my days,
You are my foundation on which to stand to be strong and tough
You are the source of my answers in so many ways
You are my peace and comfort when I have had enough.

You are my Father who takes care of me through it all,
You are my best friend who will always be by my side
You are my teacher who will keep me standing so tall
You are my sanctuary in which I will abide.

You are my healer who keeps me always on my toes,
You are my defender who helps me to always stand and go
You are my protector who takes care of all of my woes
You are my Saviour with sweet love that you always show.

You are my Lord and all of those things my heart can now dream of,
I reach out to you Father yearning for so much more
I can feel your presence flowing from Heaven above
My ❤ heart can see your beauty just waiting at the door.


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