Sunday, August 29, 2021

Perfect Peace

My Beloved Jesus...

Sometimes the way can be so hard and challenging at its best...
I truly feel like giving up and calling it a day
The burden can be destroying and put faith to the true test
I begin to be disheartened and my comfort goes away.

I need a peace to fill my heart and give me great desire...
To find a state of pure restoration like never before
So I drop to my knees and seek your love to now inspire
My Jesus you hear my heart knocking on Heavens mighty door.

Suddenly all of the stress seems to release itself from me...
A perfect sense of new promise is there like never before
Something wonderful and breathtaking I can now truly see
A wondrous sense of peace and tranquility is now in store.

My Jesus you see the purity that exists in my heart...
And just one wave of your mighty and rugged hands
Eternal restoration and peace you happily impart
My Jesus my pathway is renewed by your mighty, sweet plans!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Strength And Power

My Jesus...

I take my first step with confidence, knowing, and ready to go...
That you are right by my side, holding my hand all of the way
The sweet love and bond we share will always be present to show
That I have the rugged strength and endurance for every day.

No matter how hard the wind may blow or how cold it may be...
Regardless if stress and terrible fear may try to take hold
You are my armor, shield and protection for all that I need
I just need to look to you and believe with a faith so bold

For you are my comfort and refuge, and my bright morning star...
Who will help me find great hope and guidance, and give me the best
Living for you will be the greatest success story by far
A story free of fear and stress and always happiness!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Most Wonderful Thing

My Jesus...

The most wonderful thing is knowing just how much you love me...
It is a love that is timeless, without boundaries and so pure
There will never be exceptions or limits the heart can see
Throughout all time and through every storm it will always endure.

It's like a great blanket of hope that keeps me warm and alive...
It's a strong shield that protects me from showers and storms so grand
This source of new hope gives me energy to live and to thrive
All with my Saviors adoration safely holding my hands.

So, I examine my heart with great speed and all certainty...
My sweet Jesus that is something that I truly want to do
I pledge myself to a forever relationship with thee
Because I know in my heart that's the greatest thing I can do!

Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Source Of All My Answers

Precious Jesus.....

When I'm looking for the strength to get me through every day...
And my heart is searching for happiness that's welcomed and new
I have so many questions and really don't know what to say
My spirit is yearning and bewildered about what to do.

Just then, there's a breathtaking light that I've never seen before....
It seemed so bright and purposeful, and reaching out just for me
I tried to get up closer because I had to know much more
And I knew that in that light was where my heart wanted to be.

Suddenly a voice called out with a special care and great love....
It was my Jesus promising to be all I'll ever need
Making a bold covenant to take care of me from above
And walk by my side helping me to excel and to succeed.

All I have to do is place myself in his mighty hands...
To place my rugged Faith in him and in his law so obey
I began to take quick notice and followed all of his plans
Suddenly I began to see that breathtaking light in a new way.

I began to have the strength that I needed so desperately...
And all the rest of the answers were there at just the right time
For when I take his hands only the greatest things I will see
He is my perfect solution and my everything in kind.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

When My Heart Begins To Wonder


When my heart begins to wonder and feel so troubled yes, it's true...
I feel an anxiety that I know I can't carry each day
My happiness and peace disappear in everything I must do
My spirit is overwhelmed with turmoil and cannot find the great way.

Your heart begins to reach out to me with a perfect love that's so pure...
It teaches me a lesson about where my foundation is to be
Reinforces me with your power and gives me such strength to endure
And gives me ideal peace and wisdom overflowing so perfectly.

So when my heart begins to wonder and it really gets out of hand...
I need to stop at that moment clear my mind and give it all to you
For you will teach me how to believe and to know you're in command
I need to seek your face with a pure whole heart in all that I may do.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

A New Horizon

My Sweet Jesus...

No one sees the tears in my eyes or pain that my heart seems to feel...
I watch brokenness tear me apart and loneliness destroy me
The sadness and despair is overwhelming and unreal
A place of tranquility is where my spirit so longs to be.

A Saviours heart breaks to see his child hurting so much each day...
He reaches down with perfect love and opens his arms so grand
Ready to bring an end to the hurting and suffering in every way
Granting a touch of his anointing and a picture perfect plan.

Suddenly I can feel great arms wrapped around me with grace so bold..
The tenderness of my heart and soul got even better still
I can feel a wave of peace within me with happiness untold
And a stronger desire to draw closer to God and his will.

Suddenly a voice called out give me your worries burdens and all...
I knew at that moment that all things would somehow become new
For my Saviour will never leave me and will come when I may call
No matter what the journeys pathway he'll be beside me every day through.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...