Tuesday, August 10, 2021

When My Heart Begins To Wonder


When my heart begins to wonder and feel so troubled yes, it's true...
I feel an anxiety that I know I can't carry each day
My happiness and peace disappear in everything I must do
My spirit is overwhelmed with turmoil and cannot find the great way.

Your heart begins to reach out to me with a perfect love that's so pure...
It teaches me a lesson about where my foundation is to be
Reinforces me with your power and gives me such strength to endure
And gives me ideal peace and wisdom overflowing so perfectly.

So when my heart begins to wonder and it really gets out of hand...
I need to stop at that moment clear my mind and give it all to you
For you will teach me how to believe and to know you're in command
I need to seek your face with a pure whole heart in all that I may do.

1 comment:

  1. So relatable and you expressed this so beautifully! Thank you!


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