Sunday, August 29, 2021

Perfect Peace

My Beloved Jesus...

Sometimes the way can be so hard and challenging at its best...
I truly feel like giving up and calling it a day
The burden can be destroying and put faith to the true test
I begin to be disheartened and my comfort goes away.

I need a peace to fill my heart and give me great desire...
To find a state of pure restoration like never before
So I drop to my knees and seek your love to now inspire
My Jesus you hear my heart knocking on Heavens mighty door.

Suddenly all of the stress seems to release itself from me...
A perfect sense of new promise is there like never before
Something wonderful and breathtaking I can now truly see
A wondrous sense of peace and tranquility is now in store.

My Jesus you see the purity that exists in my heart...
And just one wave of your mighty and rugged hands
Eternal restoration and peace you happily impart
My Jesus my pathway is renewed by your mighty, sweet plans!

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