Sunday, August 1, 2021

A New Horizon

My Sweet Jesus...

No one sees the tears in my eyes or pain that my heart seems to feel...
I watch brokenness tear me apart and loneliness destroy me
The sadness and despair is overwhelming and unreal
A place of tranquility is where my spirit so longs to be.

A Saviours heart breaks to see his child hurting so much each day...
He reaches down with perfect love and opens his arms so grand
Ready to bring an end to the hurting and suffering in every way
Granting a touch of his anointing and a picture perfect plan.

Suddenly I can feel great arms wrapped around me with grace so bold..
The tenderness of my heart and soul got even better still
I can feel a wave of peace within me with happiness untold
And a stronger desire to draw closer to God and his will.

Suddenly a voice called out give me your worries burdens and all...
I knew at that moment that all things would somehow become new
For my Saviour will never leave me and will come when I may call
No matter what the journeys pathway he'll be beside me every day through.

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