Sunday, September 26, 2021

Shadows Of Glory

Wonderful Jesus...

As I see these reflections, there's nothing interesting to me....
I seem to look at every moment so rough and sad
But you have important lessons to convey perfectly
You want me to live a life that is always happy and glad.

You teach me the importance of starting every day with 🙏 prayer
And knowing that you have myself and all things in your great hands
And give me the peace and assurance you'll always be there
I need to see through the window of your heart and your command.

You give me all things perfect that can only come Lord from you...
I need to yearn and search for the wonders of such a great sight
I never have to be negative again my whole life through
For the shadows of glory will give me your great love and light.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Pathway Of Promise

    Celeste didn't know how to tell her parents that she was leaving school.  But she just couldn't stay any more.  She had trouble with her assignments and tests.  Her grades were never higher than a low c.

     Her Mom was planning for her to take a major position in the family accounting firm.  But Celeste knew that would be hard.  After all, she hated math.

     She was going home for spring break.  It would give her plenty of time to figure things out.  She finished packing.  Her roommate took her to the airport.

     But when she touched down in her home state it was her brother waiting not her parents.  She knew that something was wrong.

     She inquired about them.  Her brother told her that their Father was in the hospital.  He had collapsed from exhaustion.

    They traveled straight there.  Celeste embraced her parents.  They asked her about school.  She tried to hide her pain and said everything was fine.

     They again expressed interest in her joining the firm.  Celeste didn't answer.
Over the next week, she stood by her parents side and tried to help where she could.

     When her Father finally was sent home, the Pastor and members of the church arrived for a bible study and prayer time.

     Their family Pastor pulled her to the side.  He asked what was wrong.  She broke down and cried explaining what she was struggling with.

     The Pastor immediately took her hands and prayed with her.  He told her that she must be truthful with her parents.  He told her that he would come back in a few days and help her to talk to them.

   Celeste thanked him.  But the next few days were the hardest she ever faced.  She prayed for strength and guidance.

    The day had arrived.  The Pastor came early.  They went into the room with her parents.  Everyone was silent.  Pastor motioned for her to begin.

    Celeste looked up, swallowed, and then explained everything.  The room grew bone chilling quiet again.

     Suddenly her parents broke out in loud laughter.  Celeste didn't know what to think.  They said they wanted her to be happy and to do what made her happy.

     Celeste looked up and thanked God.  She embraced the Pastor and her parents for being great role models.  She didn't return to school.

     She took time to seek God's desire for her life.  Celeste got the chance to explore something that she was interested in art school.

     She did help in her parents firm and even started dating the pastor's son.  Celeste learned something very important.

    Be who God wants you to be with a humbled heart.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Most Important Thing

My Jesus...

When I look into the mirror each day what is it that I see?
Do I let other hearts shape who I am
Or do I view the wonderful points of the masterpiece in me
You predestined great things for my path my great Saviour and best friend.

You never do anything in error that is strong truth without doubt...
You see unique beauty in my heart and spirit forever more
One touch of your great power makes your love and grace come flowing out
My heart knows there are wonderful dreams and promises in store.

So even if someone says bad things about me at any time...
I should pray for them and know it is in no way real or true
When I keep my eyes upon your sweet heart there's one thing I'll find
The real definition of who I am and hope to be is you.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

You Are My Everything

Sweet Jesus...

You are the breath of hope that fills me with life overflowing every day...
The fire of new energy that ignites my spirit to rise and soar
The light of fulfillment that blesses my eager soul in every way
The Craftsman of my ❤ heart that awakens me to knock upon Heavens door.

You are the strength and power that keeps my feet upon a foundation true...
The shield and protection to keep me secure to keep all the rain away
My best friend and confident in all that I may say or even do
My Provider and Protector upon seeing the sun of each new day.

You are the Healer that keeps me whole and blessed in everything that is me...
My mentor and confident from which I can learn to be just like you
My Heavenly King who has a home for me in all of eternity
You are my great restorer who can take everything and make it brand new.

Jesus thank you for your breathtaking heart and for all that you truly do...
I give you all praise and thank you for being my joy and happiness
I pledge all that I am into your hands and want to tell you I love you
Thank you for being my everything and keeping me so whole and so blessed.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Where Would The Heart Be?

My Jesus...

When I think about where the heart would be without you each day...
Every essence of my spirit cannot even comprehend
There would be no substance or purpose along a strange, dark way
And quite real pain, stress and anxiety that would have no end.

But, your love is always there, In great abundance it is true...
A breathtaking gift for everyone to welcome with delight
It is the greatest choice when the heart reaches out for you
And walks your pathway of promise with such great might.

You are standing there with open arms waiting for one and all...
And a precious heart overflowing with grace beyond compare
You are the truth, the light, and the way who is there when we call
Your presence is the lighthouse the heart will need everywhere.

So I won't think about where the heart would be Lord without you...
But ask you to prepare me to show others your love at best
I want them to see your beauty and truth in all they do
That they may be filled with your love and eternal happiness.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Love Letter From Jesus

My Precious Child...

I see the terrible pain that is hurting you in such a great way...
A heavy, and most unwanted burden that weighs you down so completely
It brings sadness to my heart more than words can ever truly say
And ignites such great compassion and tender mercy so deep within me.

I open my hands wide as my love begins to flow abundantly...
Bringing peace and showing how much I adore you my dear child and do care
I'm taking all of your pain and real sorrow and placing it on me
Spreading such healing, restoration and promise, with grace everywhere.

I am your Saviour and I created you uniquely with a divine plan...
You never have to be stressed, burdened or greatly conflicted any more
Just have great faith and trust everything into my perfect hands
Knowing that blessings and wonderful miracles will flow from Heavens door.

I love you so much my precious child with a love so pure and so true...
It's a mighty love that's never ending and surrounds you like a shield
It is a foundation that will give you strength and happiness so brand new
And provide you with my power that will restore you and help you to heal!

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Perfect 💘 Love

My Breathtaking Jesus...

Perfect Love is like a warm blanket you can wrap yourself in...
When the journeys pathway begins to get rugged and real cold
It's like a shield of strength where all true honor soon begins
And protects and defends with a joy and real power untold.

Perfect Love is a rock that enables success to come true..
A foundation upon which you can always rely and so stand
It is a beautiful perfect guiding light that's there for you
Always with an exciting new mission and great plan.

Perfect Love is offered to you right now so abundantly..
It comes from your heart Jesus in such a breathtaking great way
All we have to do is join our heart with yours so beautifully
And you will be our pure perfect love on our pathway each day!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...