Sunday, September 12, 2021

You Are My Everything

Sweet Jesus...

You are the breath of hope that fills me with life overflowing every day...
The fire of new energy that ignites my spirit to rise and soar
The light of fulfillment that blesses my eager soul in every way
The Craftsman of my ❤ heart that awakens me to knock upon Heavens door.

You are the strength and power that keeps my feet upon a foundation true...
The shield and protection to keep me secure to keep all the rain away
My best friend and confident in all that I may say or even do
My Provider and Protector upon seeing the sun of each new day.

You are the Healer that keeps me whole and blessed in everything that is me...
My mentor and confident from which I can learn to be just like you
My Heavenly King who has a home for me in all of eternity
You are my great restorer who can take everything and make it brand new.

Jesus thank you for your breathtaking heart and for all that you truly do...
I give you all praise and thank you for being my joy and happiness
I pledge all that I am into your hands and want to tell you I love you
Thank you for being my everything and keeping me so whole and so blessed.

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You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...